The Social Teahouse

With the establishment of a Co-Impact Sourcing® initiative for Lavender and Melissa essential oils from Bulgaria, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation™ was able to develop a partnership with the Bulgarian social enterprise the Social Teahouse. This organization is dedicated to creating equal opportunities for children in Bulgaria as they age out of the orphanage system. 

Coming out of orphanages and social state care institutions, these children lack education and literacy, personal and emotional development, equal access to the labor market as an instrument for successful social integration, and professional opportunities. In an effort to create equal opportunities for these young adults, the Social Teahouse focuses on providing children between the ages of 14 and 18 with the skills and competencies they need to develop an independent lifestyle beyond orphanage life by bridging their time in the orphanage and their life after. These young adults are able to work on personal and professional skills, receive job skills training and access to internships, and develop networking and job opportunities. 
In May of 2016, the Social Teahouse opened their doors to the public. With the support of Co-Impact Sourcing partner Esseterre Bulgaria, the Social Teahouse is providing Bulgarian orphans equal access to the labor market and professional opportunities via mentorship programs and work experience. The organization is funded by the teahouse itself, which is run largely by volunteers and the young adults in the program. 
Of the progress the Teahouse has made since the inception of the organization, and the establishment of this partnership with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, Social Teahouse Co-Founders Maya Doneva and Stoyana Stoeva have said: “Among the large number of supporters of the Teahouse are our clients—people who consciously choose to have their warm tea served ungracefully, customers who accept with a smile each mentorship conversation they witness, and those that encourage us to proceed and develop.”
The Teahouse is now focusing their efforts on expanding the mentorship program and developing instruments for trainee retention, and expanding the working opportunities for the children and young adults benefiting from the organization.

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