Sponsor Changes

This information is available in English only.

New Wholesale Customers or Wellness Advocates are eligible for a one-time Sponsor change. This Sponsor change may be completed on or before the 10th of the month following their enrollment. Only the current Enroller can process or request this move. Sponsor change requests outside of that timeline must be reviewed through the exceptions process.

Also see Inactive Moves for more information.

Who is Eligible for a Sponsor Change?

  • New Enrollees - A first-time Wholesale Customer or Wellness Advocate is eligible to request a one-time Sponsor change through their Enroller. This Sponsor change may be completed on or before the 10th of the month following their enrolment through the Enroller's mydoterra account, or by emailing europeplacements@doterra.com.
  • Reactivated Members - Members that have reactivated their account after a year or more of inactivity may qualify for a Sponsor change. The Enroller of the reactivated member may request this change by email before the 10th of the month following their reactivation. See Account Reactivations for details.
  • Upgraded Wholesale Customers - Wholesale Customers who upgrade their account to Wellness Advocate may qualify for a Sponsor change. In order to qualify, they need to enrol a member (Wholesale Customer or Wellness Advocate) with a single enrolment order of at least 100 PV or more. See Wholesale Customer Upgrade for details.

For information on the requirements, see the Sponsor Change requirements flyer.

Processing a General Sponsor Change:

On or before the 10th of the month following the new member's enrolment month, the current Enroller can process this change through their mydoterra account. The current Enroller can also email europeplacements@doterra.com from their email address on file using the following template:

  • Wellness Advocate requesting change: (insert name and ID number here)
  • Wellness Advocate to be moved: (insert name and ID number here)
  • New Enroller: (if no change, insert "none")
  • New Sponsor: (if no change, Insert "none")

Sponsor change requests that are emailed must come from the current Enroller and must be sent from the email address on file.

Requests Outside of Policy

Sponsor change requests outside of the designated time frame must be reviewed through an exceptions process. See Placements Exceptions To Policy for details.

This information is provided in summary form for the convenience of the reader. To the extent it conflicts with the Wholesale Customer Agreement, or the Wellness Advocate Agreement and doTERRA Policy Manual (collectively, "the Agreement"), the Agreement is controlling.

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Contact the Placements Team

If you are struggling to complete a request or have any additional questions, our Placements Team can be contacted at europeplacements@doterra.com our Leaders ranked Silver or above can also click here to contact our Account Managers.

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