A: The new enrolee can set up their LRP any time before the following month or the month after they enroll.
Q: What happens if one of my leaders enters an enrolment by mistake?
A: Send us an email with your request to have the enrolment count for you. We will manually add the enrolment. However, the new enrolee will not be able to receive the DC incentive products from doTERRA. You will be responsible to get the incentive products to the enrolee.
Q: I have a person who attended an event three weeks ago, just got paid, and is now is ready to enrol. Can this qualify as an enrolment?
A: In order to count as an enrolment, the enrolment must be entered within three business days of the event. For this enrolment to count, you would need to meet with the individual again and have their enrolment processed within three business days of that second meeting.
Q: My Upline has invited guests to my Diamond Club Event. Are my Upline’s new enrolees eligible to receive the Diamond Club Incentives and be counted as Diamond Club enrollments even though they are not in my organisation?
A: Yes, 80 percent of your monthly enrolments need to be from your organisation with the remaining coming from any crosslines. This may include any guests your upline may have invited to your Diamond Club event. You would enrol the new enrolee with the Diamond Club promo code just the same as you would for someone enroling within your organisation. These individuals will count toward your Diamond Club points and monthly enrolment numbers as well receive the Diamond Club incentive.
Q: When do the three business days start?
A: The three business days start the first business day after the event. If an event is held on the weekend, the first business day is Monday. If an event is held on the last day of the month, the three business days would roll over into the following month.
Q: If I exceed the number of enrolments required during one month, can I roll over the excess enrolments into the following month to count toward my requirements?
A: In order to be able to continue each month of Diamond Club, you must meet the monthly required enrolments. Excess enrolments from a previous month cannot roll over to count toward the following month’s requirements.
Q: Can my spouse or partner do Diamond Club with me?
A: Yes. Diamond club participants are encouraged to have their spouse or partner added to their DC account and travel as part of Diamond Club. The maximum number of trips eligible does not change and is still six per account per month. This information can be found under the Events section.
Q: What if my co-applicant or spouse travels to the same area to hold an event. Can we both get reimbursed?
A: No, only one of you is eligible for reimbursement. Both of you would be eligible if you travel to different areas to hold events.
Q: How far from the event does my team member need to live in order to qualify for reimbursement?
A: Travel to areas where you have at least one team member process a 100PV LRP order the month you travel there. Your team member must live in the immediate area that the event is being held.
Q: If I lose my petrol receipt, can I submit a food receipt from the area I traveled to instead?
A: In order for us to be able to legally reimburse you for the kilometers traveled to your event, we need a petrol receipt. We are unable to legally reimburse you for kilometres using a food receipt.
Q: What if I don’t need to fill up my vehicle with petrol? Am I still eligible for reimbursement for the kilometers if I just submit the kilometers I drove to the event area?
A: In order for us to be able to legally reimburse you for the kilometers traveled to your event, we need a petrol receipt.
Q: Can I be reimbursed for petrol, food, lodging, and event space?
A: No, petrol, food, lodging, and event space are not eligible for reimbursement in any situation. During the Diamond Club season, there will be some investment on your part.
Q: Why do I need a petrol receipt if the cost of petrol is not reimbursed?
A: A petrol receipt is required in order for us to be able to legally reimburse you $0.22 per km you drive to and from a location.
Q: Can I submit my reimbursements early or do I have to wait until the due date?
A: You can submit your reimbursement for each trip as soon as you finish your travel and you have your receipts that show proof of purchase.
Q: If my trip gets cancelled can I still get reimbursed?
A: You are not eligible for reimbursement for a trip you do not actually take. This also includes trips canceled due to airline cancelation or weather related circumstances.
Q: When can I expect to get my reimbursement paid out?
A: Your reimbursements get paid out with your monthly commission, normally around the fifteenth of the month. It is paid out as one check or direct deposit and not separately.
Q: What if I forget my promo code?
A: If a promo code is forgotten contact your Diamond Club Project Manager and they will assist you.
Q: Can I continue to use the previous month’s promo code in the new month?
A: A new promo code is provided prior to the start of each month. Each received promo code is specific for that months’ time frame. A previous month’s promo code will be disabled after the 3rd business day specific to the last day of the month.
Q: Will the promo code be honored for orders less than a single 100pv enrollment?
A: In order for the promo code to work and generate the Diamond Club incentive(s) the order must be a minimum single 100pv enrollment order. If the order is less than 100pv the promo code will come up as “invalid,” the incentive will not be provided on the order and you will not receive Diamond Club credit for the enrolment.
Q: I am short enrolments and the month is coming to a close. Can I count enrolments for the previous month?
A: During the overlap of the 3 business days at the end of the month going into the new month, you will have 2 active promo codes. You will use the promo code for the month that you want the enrolment to be counted in.