Sponsors play a vital role in Diamond Club. In fact, they are the reason this program has been so successful and is even possible.

What Is the Sponsor’s role in Diamond Club?

Sponsors pay 50% of the participant’s qualified travel reimbursements for the Diamond Club season. They work closely with team members to assist them with scheduling events and travel. Sponsors are part of the support team for their members, and they work with members to build their business. The majority of our Diamond leaders have participated in Diamond Club and can share excellent advice on making Diamond Club a successful experience.

Who can become A Sponsor?

Any active Wellness Advocate can sponsor other Wellness Advocates in their downline who would like to participate in Diamond Club. (There is a maximum of three sponsors for each participant.)
It is the potential Diamond Club participant’s responsibility to seek out those individuals who they would like to have sponsor them for the upcoming season. We recommend reaching out to your closest uplines and enroler first.
Diamond Club participants must meet the requirement of having at least one Diamond Club sponsor in order to be approved to participate in the upcoming season.

How do you become A Sponsor?

You can become a sponsor by filling out the sponsor form and email it back to diamondclubau@doterra.com. Click here for the Sponsor Authority Form. 

When do I start sponsoring the participant and how do I pay for the Participant’s Reimbursement?

You are considered an active sponsor once the season begins through the end of the season or until the participant is no longer participating. Your portion of the approved reimbursement is automatically deducted from your monthly commissions on the 15th of every month during the season as long as the Wellness Advocate is still participating.

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