dōTERRA polveutuu latinasta ja tarkoittaa "maan lahjaa".
Sleep Research
Nearly 3.6 million Britons read about doTERRA’s research on sleep in 143 published articles, including in The Daily Express, The Sun, The Mirror, The Metro, and online properties MSN and CNN.
doTERRA’s research found that Britons enjoy their best sleep at age 24, but it takes a downward turn after that. Almost half of the 2,000 adults surveyed are convinced they slept better during their youth, while only 24 per cent think it has improved as they’ve gotten older.
Surprisingly, the research found 55 per cent of the nation ‘rarely’ or ‘never’ get enough sleep.
The survey identified family worries, work stresses and room temperature – either too hot or too cold – as the most common obstacles to a good night’s sleep.
Mood Research
A doTERRA survey of over 2,000 Britons found that people are thinking more about their emotional wellbeing now more than ever before. People in the United Kingdom are feeling more stressed (39%) and experiencing more negative emotions since the pandemic began. In addition, 43% of those surveyed reported that their households’ mood has changed for the worse.
Mood is also impacting the people around us, with 62% reporting that their mood impacts other members of their family and 37% indicating their mood impacts their workplace.
The survey was covered by a number of publications across the UK, including The Daily Star, The Metro, The Daily Express, The Sun and The Mirror, generating over 383,000 online views and nearly 400 social media shares. The bulk of the headlines and stories focused on the three moods of anxious, happy and stressed felt by Brits during the pandemic lockdown.
Oils to promote emotional well-being: