dōTERRA komt uit het Latijn en betekent ‘Gift of the Earth‘
Lack of sanitation and clean water is the leading killer of children under the age of 5 worldwide. 35% of the world’s population does not have access to a clean water source, and 2.5 billion people in the world do not have the ability to practice proper sanitation (clean bathrooms or latrines, hand-washing stations, etc.). Clean water and sanitation initiatives support these communities with this fundamental need.
Dirty water kills more people every year than any form of violence, including war. An estimated 2.5 billion people lack access to proper sanitation infrastructure, and more than 785 million people lack basic drinking water. This means billions are at risk of contracting potentially deadly illnesses and diseases, many of which—with proper sanitation and availability of clean water—are easily preventable. In fact, lack of sanitation is the leading cause of death for children under five worldwide, with more than 800,000 perishing every year from diarrhea as a result of consuming unclean water.
Wellness Advocate Heather Howell, with support from Blue Diamond leader Elizabeth Copeland, partnered with 10-year-old Salem Taylor to build a well for the St. Joseph Tungaini Primary School in Kenya. The school teaches children of various ages in the community, and waterborne disease is the main reason those children miss school.
Salem, who was passionately fundraising for this project through Hydrating Humanity, inspired Heather to join the cause and earn matched funds through the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, a U.S. Foundation. They raised $4,125 for the well at St. Joseph Tungaini Primary School and The Foundation matched that donation for a total of $8,250. Funds were used in March of 2020 to buy equipment, and then drill and build the well. The funds also provided educational training to the community on hygiene, as well as proper use and maintenance of the well. Now, more children will have the opportunity to spend their time in school.
Nepal Water Project
The Foundation traveled with a group of doTERRA® Wellness Advocates and a few employees to Nepal to serve the people and help with a water project. This project provided clean water to 500 families.
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