Происхождение: латинская производная
что означает «Дар Земли».
A behind the scenes look at how a tiny seed becomes a powerful essential oil.
A. doTERRA carefully selects artisans whose expertise, location, and growing practices ensure the highest quality essential oil. Most of the artisans partnered with doTERRA are family owned businesses where their expertise and knowledge is passed down from generation to generation.
B. Specific plant species are then chosen for their distinct profile of aromatic compounds. Potency starts with the seed. To be safe and effective, especially for internal use, essential oils must have the proper chemical profile and be free of any impurities and adulterations.
C. To ensure the most powerful potency, the plant must be harvested in the right way at the right time. Depending on the essential oil, that could be the seed, stem, leaf, flower, root, or rind. In addition, the region in which the plant is grown has a major impact on its constitution, which in turn determines its potency.
1. Steam is forced under pressure (this is a variable) through the plant material which causes the volatiles to be released
2. The volatiles re-condense
3. As the volatiles condense, the water and essential oil separate and the oil is collected
1. Citrus fruits are placed in a cold press
2. The fruit is cleaned by rotating brushes
3. The fruit enters the oil collection portion of the machine where rasping cylinders abrade the rind
4. The essential oil is collected by water sprays
5. The water and oil mixture is filtered to remove solid particles
6. The water and oil mixture is then centrifuged to recover only the essential oil
Our CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® quality standard requires precise care and effort to protect what nature has created so beautifully. The rigorous testing to ensure purity and potency includes the following: