Origen: un derivado latino.
Significado "regalo de la tierra."
Origen: un derivado latino.
Significado "regalo de la tierra."
The AromaTouch Hand Technique only takes 1–3 drops of oil applied to each hand to have an amazing oil experience. For each blend suggestion, you will need a sample vial . Put 25 drops of Fractionated Coconut Oil in the sample vial and then add the oil that you would like to use for the Hand Technique. This will help the oils blend well and readily absorb into the skin. After completing this step, apply 1–3 drops of the blend for the Hand Technique you are performing.
4 Drops - Copaiba
6 Drops - Douglas Fir
5 Drops - Peppermint
4 Drops - Cedarwood
3 Drops - Ylang Ylang
8 Drops - doTERRA Balance®
5 Drops - Citrus Bliss®
5 Drops - doTERRA Motivate®
5 Drops - Lime