Origen: un derivado latino. Significado "regalo de la tierra."
Nuestros productos de aceites esenciales de CPTG Probado y Certificado como Puro y de Calidad™ ofrecen soluciones naturales para usted y sus seres queridos. Con una fuente de abastecimiento responsable y sostenible, nuestra misión es mejorar la vida de toda su familia y las familias de todo el mundo con cada compra de doTERRA.
¿Buscas disponibilidad de productos?
Encourage your team to place new subscription orders and earn amazing rewards based on the number of new subscriptions you generate
December 1, 2024
June 18, 2024
Your incentives just got better with a new feature that allows new members to expedite their rewards!
June 13, 2024
The Fast Start Bonus is designed to provide immediate earnings to Wellness Advocates when they enroll others.
May 20, 2022
Wellness Advocates across team lines often inspire each other to better themselves and better their business.
December 2, 2021
Have you listened to the Essential Oil Solutions with doTERRA podcast?
August 3, 2021
The way you introduce doTERRA is important. Essential oils have been on earth since time began, but have not been available in as pure and potent form as doTERRA provides. The 1000s of ways doTERRA can be shared will pique your interest!