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Embracing Change and Momentum: Insights from Matt Hall’s doTERRA Experience

In his compelling convention TERRAtalk, Presidential Diamond Matt Hall shared his insights on breaking free from stagnation and propelling forward in life and business. His struggles and triumphs with doTERRA offered valuable lessons for anyone feeling stuck in their health, personal relationships, or business endeavors.

Progress seemed slow in the early days of Matt’s doTERRA business, despite relentless effort. During this lull, he learned a crucial lesson about comparison. True momentum comes from within, not from mirroring others’ journeys.

Matt emphasized the importance of being proactive in this business. His breakthrough to higher ranks, including Presidential Diamond, came about by shifting from merely managing to taking massive action, committing to constant self-improvement, and focusing on personal development.

Central to Matt’s message was the importance of fostering new leadership and steering clear of repeatedly trying to relaunch the same people. He advocated for identifying and nurturing new leaders who demonstrate the willingness to grow and succeed. Matt explained the best way to support an existing team is to expand and diversify, continually adding new energy and perspectives.

Matt also discouraged passively riding a wave of success. At doTERRA, success is about creating your own momentum through personal effort and leadership. Like a group of friends jumping into a pool, each person creates a ripple effect, inspiring and encouraging others to join in and contribute to the collective energy.

As the new year goes into full swing, Matt’s closing message resonates even more profoundly: let go of comparison and concentrate instead on nurturing personal growth and enhancing skills. The new year is an ideal opportunity to find and support new leaders—take bold steps to create momentum that’ll help you reach your personal goals.

Results aren’t typical. Average earnings are less. See the doTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on

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