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Essential Oils and Pets Class Night Idea

By Dr. Janet Roark

Did you know essential oils can greatly benefit pets in the home? In fact, over 68% of homes host a pet, and some people may be reluctant to try essential oils because they’re worried about the impact on their fuzzy family members. However, essential oils can benefit your furry friends. Hosting an in-person or online class about essential oils and pets can help everyone enjoy essential oils safely. Here’s a handy framework you can use to make your class shine.


Thank everyone for coming, introduce yourself (and your pets), and share the evening’s agenda: safely, effectively, and responsibly using doTERRA essential oils around pets.

The Basics

Talk about essential oils in general. Essential oils are highly concentrated, plant-derived extracts. Their incredible properties are valuable to animal wellness routines when properly diluted, providing health-conscious individuals with safe, natural solutions for a wide range of emotional, behavioral, and physical pet wellness applications.

Myth Busting

Share some common myths about using essential oils with pets. There’s so much information on the topic that it’s hard to know what and whom to trust. The doTERRA Scientific and Medical Education Committee is committed to uncovering the facts about essential oils and animals. Review or share this podcast episode for what the committee has discovered:

Safety First

Discuss the following essential oil safety guidelines:

  • Dilute essential oils for topical use.
  • Don’t apply essential oils in the eyes, ear canals, nose, or other sensitive areas.
  • Never trap an animal in an enclosed space while diffusing essential oils.
  • Run a water-based diffuser for aromatic use.
  • Avoid the following essential oils with cats and dogs: Tea Tree, Wintergreen, and Birch. Use caution when diffusing strong-smelling products and start with fewer drops in your diffuser.
  • Watch for essential oil photosensitivity and use caution when applying topically on outdoor or pink-skinned pets. Monitor your pet for any discomfort, sneezing, coughing, or unusual behavior. Discontinue use if necessary.
  • Discuss concerns with and seek advice from your vet if you have any questions.
Man petting a cat

Using Essential Oils with Animals

Review ways your class attendees can help their pets and families safely enjoy essential oils. Using natural solutions with animals doesn’t have to be difficult. For example, diffusing essential oils is a great way to combat nasty pet smells without dangerous chemicals. Here’s a great article on diffusing you can share:

Top Pet-Friendly Essential Oils


Known for its calming properties, Lavender cultivates a soothing atmosphere for pets and people alike. Diffuse during stressful times—like thunderstorms or firework shows—or put a drop or two on a blanket for trips to the vet or groomer.

DigestZen® or Tamer®

These prediluted options are must-haves for any pet parent. If your pet has a bit of tummy discomfort, either of these options are great to just roll on the belly in a time of need.


This versatile essential oil can promote relaxation and support muscles and joints, especially as your pet ages.

doTERRA Balance®

This wonderful essential oil blend is also prediluted and is not only comforting but also grounding whenever a pup or kitty is nervous. It can be applied topically or diffused and is wonderful when combined with Lavender.


A popular pest repellent, Cedarwood supports feelings of easy breathing and promotes a relaxing atmosphere for fearful or timid animals.


Cleansing and soothing, Frankincense is perfect for minor skin irritations and odor control.

Woman reading a book beside her dog


Suggest or even make these fantastic DIYs in class.

Easy Outside Pest Spray

Mix 10–12 drops of Cedarwood with Fractionate Coconut Oil or water in a two-ounce spray bottle. Spritz a little on your hand and then pet your dog all over before heading out. Focus on the neck, belly, and legs. Shake before each use.

Calm during the Storm Spritz

Mix 10–12 drops of Lavender, doTERRA Serenity®, or doTERRA Balance with Fractionated Coconut Oil or water in a two-ounce spray bottle. Spray on a blanket, bed, or even your hand for comforting tummy scratches before a scary thunderstorm or other stressful event. Shake before each use.


Thank your attendees and share a quick story that’ll help them remember how to use essential oils safely with their furry family members. Ask if anyone has any questions or would like to know more about sharing doTERRA with other animal-loving people. Send them home with an action plan so they feel more confident using animal-friendly doTERRA products.

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