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Chemistry of Frankincense Oil

Frankincense essential oil is derived from the resinous tears of trees that have been carefully scored, or “bled.” If cared for properly, frankincense trees can produce tears for hundreds of years! After a careful distillation process, the essential oil has a complex mixture of monoterpenes:





This complex chemistry contributes to its renewing effects. Frankincense essential oil is great at supporting the diverse types of cells in the body.* It also is effective at relaxing and focusing the mind.

Here are some ideas for using Frankincense:

• Take one to two drops under your tongue and swallow, or in a veggie capsule, to support healthy cellular function.*

• Add to moisturizer to reduce the appearance of blemishes and to rejuvenate the skin.

• Diffuse to promote feelings of relaxation and to balance mood.

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