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Product Spotlight: GX Assist® GI Cleansing Formula

GX Assist Product Description
Having a healthy digestive system affects all facets of the body. When the condition of the digestive system is not in proper health, there can be a tremendous negative effect on every other function of the body. While a balanced diet of whole, unprocessed food is the first step in supporting a healthy digestive system, sometimes the body is in need of further dietary support. With GX Assist, doTERRA has developed a proprietary combination of essential oils and caprylic acid to help cleanse the digestive system so it can function at its maximum potential.* By supporting natural detoxification through creating an unfriendly environment for toxins in the digestive tract, GX Assist is doTERRA’s answer to immediate detoxification needs.*

What Makes GX Assist Unique?
The benefits of GX Assist start with its proprietary blend of powerfully detoxifying essential oils.* The combination of Oregano, Melaleuca, Lemon, Lemongrass, Peppermint, and Thyme essential oils helps purify and cleanse the digestive system, and there is evidence that it may even improve internal microbial balance.*
Caprylic acid, a lipid derived from coconut oil, has been used for decades to support digestive health. When combined with the proprietary essential oil combination, it helps create a healthy digestive environment.*

GX Assist is not only for use during an annual digestive cleanse, but can be used as often as monthly to support digestive health.* It can be used for 10 days each month, 1–3 capsules per day, every month to support a healthy digestive environment.* 
Whether you are looking for a one-time digestive cleanse or to support overall digestive health, GX Assist was also developed to be used in conjunction with PB Assist+® Probiotic Defense Formula.* Take GX Assist for the 10 days and follow up with 10 days of PB Assist+ to promote a positive balance and proliferation of beneficial bacteria.*

GX Assist Uses and Benefits
  1. Use GX Assist as the first step in a digestive maintenance program or a spring cleanse.* GX Assist can be used as the start of a cleanse or monthly to support digestive health.* Just remember to follow proper dosage guidelines: 1–3 capsules for 10 days a month.
  2. Another benefit of GX Assist is that it supports a healthy digestive environment.* The combination of powerfully cleansing essential oils and caprylic acid aids in the maintenance of healthy digestive function.* 
  3. After over-indulgence, take GX Assist to give your digestive tract a break.* GX Assist is also beneficial when taken individually, not as part of a cleanse or regular monthly regimen. After a large or unhealthy meal, take one capsule to support normal digestive function.*
  4. If you are striving to achieve specific wellness goals, you can easily make GX Assist a part of a healthy lifestyle change. A spring cleaning cleanse can be the beginning of a healthy new lifestyle.* Begin with 10 days of GX Assist to get you moving in the right direction.
  5. As mentioned, GX Assist was developed to be used in conjunction with PB Assist+®. Whether on a cleanse or just looking to start a new healthy regimen, GX Assist was developed to be used in combination with PB Assist+ for optimal digestive health.*
How to Take GX Assist
Take one to three softgels with meals for 10 days. 
To learn more about this product, visit the GX Assist Q&A page. 

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