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Episode 235: Why Fiber is Essential, Plus the History of Ginger

In this episode we sit down with Scott Johnson, Director of Product Management, to discuss why fiber is an essential part of your diet. He'll cover why fiber is important for your body, the consequences of not getting enough fiber, and why the doTERRA Fiber supplement is the best option to add to your diet. Plus we'll take a look at the fantastic history of Ginger.

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doTERRA: The importance of fiber is something you probably hear about often, but do you really know why it's so important? Today we'll look at what fiber can do for your body.

Welcome back to Essential Oil Solutions with doTERRA, the podcast where you'll hear exciting, useful, and simple everyday uses for essential oils from experts in the field.

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Today we're excited to talk to Scott Johnson, Director of Product Management, about the benefits of fiber in your diet. Plus, well take a look at the fascinating history of Ginger. Scott, thank you so much for joining us again.

Scott Johnson: My pleasure, always happy to share with all of our doTERRA friends.

The Importance of Fiber

doTERRA: Absolutely. To kick off this conversation, I want to start with the question of why is it that fiber is so important for our bodies?

Scott: Well, for starters, we know that people who eat a rich diet, a fiber rich diet, have better heart, metabolic, and gut health. But I think we need to understand also two different types of fiber, because there are two types of fiber. You have soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. And we need to get both in our diet. They're both important because soluble fiber dissolves in water, and when it does, it forms a gel like material that supports a healthy lipid profile and also healthy blood sugar levels.

Like its name suggests, insoluble fiber doesn't dissolve in water and acts as a bulking agent to improve the passage of stool through the digestive tract. So insoluble fiber acts kind of like a scrub brush for the digestive tract, cleaning it as it passes through. This helps, obviously, to promote bowel regularity and can reduce occasional constipation. So other things, when you're consuming enough fiber, it's associated with a healthy body weight and can help regulate your appetite signals.

So basically, when you eat a lot of fiber, you feel fuller. And so, you're going to eat less because of that. One of the most overlooked benefits of fiber is that some fiber acts as a food for your gut microflora and enhances the production of metabolites produced by those gut microflora like short chain fatty acids as they're digested in the digestive tract. These short chain fatty acids serve as energy for the cells in the digestive tract and also provide additional benefits.

Since a healthy gut microbiome is vital for overall well-being, there are a number of benefits that could be realized, including aiding immune function and supporting a healthy inflammatory response. Although the mechanism is poorly understood, fiber is even associated with a healthy mood. Interestingly, a meta-analysis concluded that for every ten grams of incremental fiber consumption we get per day, there's an 11% reduction in mortality risk.

So really, to sum it all up, we're going to say you could say fiber intake is important for a longer, healthier and happier life.

doTERRA: That is all so fascinating and so much more than I think most of us have with our base understanding of why we should eat fiber every day.

Scott: Right. Most people just focus on it promoting regularity and overlook everything else that it does.

Consequences of a Low-Fiber Diet

doTERRA: Absolutely. Now, do most people get that appropriate amount of fiber through their diet?

Scott: Not even close. The vast majority of people consume a fiber deficient diet. A modern-day Westernized diet simply don't provide enough fiber because they're filled with way too many ultra-processed carbs. Experts recommend that adult women consume about 25 to 32 grams of fiber daily, while adult man should get 30 to 38 grams per day. This is a fairly generic guideline. And so, you could actually translate it more into how many calories you're consuming and how much of those calories should be fiber.

So, children and adults can make it more personal by aiming for 13 to 18 grams of fiber per 1000 calories they consume. So, in other words, if you need a 2000 calorie diet, you should consume from 26 to 36 grams of fiber each day. But most people only get about half to two thirds of this per day. More fall on the half than the two thirds.

doTERRA: Wow.

Scott: In fact, some organizations estimate that less than 10% of the U.S. population consumes the recommended amount of daily fiber.

doTERRA: Wow, that is a startling number. I think a lot of us think we're doing really well. But when we see how much we actually need to have that optimum balance of fiber in our diet, it's a lot more than you think for sure. Now, we talked about the benefits of having fiber. What are some of the consequences when we're eating that fiber deficient diet?

Scott: Yeah, one of the most notable consequences is bowel movement irregularity. That's usually one of the first signs that you're not consuming enough fiber. The interesting thing is that low fiber intake can cause both constipation and diarrhea. So, it's a little bit confusing. But since our gut microflora rely on fiber to produce short chain fatty acids, which the short chain fatty acids help absorb water in the colon. If you don't get enough fiber in the diet, then that can result in passing that excess water that you're not absorbing and lead to loose stools.

On the other hand, insufficient fiber can slow the passage of stool through the digestive tract, meaning you can end up being clogged up. The problem with this is that when you're plugged up, damage to the digestive tract can develop as stool stays stuck in it for longer than it should be. If you've learned anything or taken any of the classes on MetaPWR System, you are likely aware of blood sugar spikes that can occur after a meal. Another way to manage this phenomenon is to consume fiber.

Fiber basically encloses foods and holds it together, so it slows down its absorption in the digestive tract, which reduces your blood sugar response after a meal. Going back to our microbiome discussion, a low fiber diet can contribute to an imbalance, gut bacteria and increased inflammation. Those short chain fatty acids that keep coming out produced by the gut microflora also influence gut barrier integrity and immune system activity.

So, fiber is important for healthy immune function and a healthy gut lining. Insufficient fiber can also affect your hormones and contribute to uncomfortable menstrual symptoms. This is partly because excess estrogen is more efficiently eliminated when sufficient fiber is consumed to help shuttle it out of the body. Of course, you may overeat if you don't get enough fiber, because fiber provides that feeling of fullness and helps regulate satiety signals.

Another thing is fiber helps you, your body, manage lipids like cholesterol better. So, you might see the consequence of lipid profiles that aren't according to what you want them to be for optimum health. The importance of adequate fiber in the diet really can't be overstated. If you want to be as healthy as possible.

doTERRA: Hmm. And that list of some consequences of not getting it paired with the list of benefits of having that fiber rich diet are definitely enough to convince me to go home and up my intake a little bit.

Scott: Right.

doTERRA Fiber

doTERRA: Now, doTERRA released a fiber supplement a couple of years ago. Can you tell us some of the research behind the ingredients that we chose to include in that fiber?

Scott: Yeah, well, I first think it's important to say why doTERRA decided to include a fiber supplement in our product profile. The reason is to make it easier to hit that 25 to 38 grams of fiber daily. It would take a lot of raw fruits and vegetables and bowls of oatmeal to get that amount of fiber every day. Even fiber rich foods like avocados, raspberries, artichokes, beans and peas will only supply about five, maybe up to eight grams of fiber per serving.

doTERRA: Wow.

Scott: If you compare that to the doTERRA Fiber product, one serving of doTERRA Fiber provides six grams of total fiber, which contains five grams of soluble and one gram of insoluble fiber. So, you're getting both fibers that are important in your diet. And importantly It provides those fibers that the gut microflora need to thrive and produce metabolites like short chain fatty acids. Clinical research shows that inulin and saccharides that are found in doTERRA Fiber promote the growth of beneficial microflora in the gut and aid healthy digestion.

The resistant dextrin that's in the product and the guar gum found in the fiber helps maintain healthy lipid and glucose levels according to preclinical and clinical studies. The consumption of guar gum is also linked to assisting with weight management goals. Clinical research also suggests that the ingredients in doTERRA Fiber can help support healthy cardiovascular system function and immune responses. And lastly, vitamin C is included to provide antioxidant protection, which can help maintain healthy cells and healthy tissues.

doTERRA: That is all so incredible to see all of these ingredients that were handpicked to make sure they're giving the greatest benefit when taking the supplement.

Scott: Right.

doTERRA: Now, you covered this a little bit with the ingredients, obviously, but why is it the doTERRA Fiber is different from other fiber supplements. Why is this the one that I would want to choose to include in my daily routine?

Scott: Yeah, doTERRA Fiber is sourced from whole-food sources like apple, tapioca and flax seed. The prebiotic blend in the fiber is sourced from Jerusalem artichoke and chicory root and supports a healthy gut microbiome. I think it's important to point out that the gut has its own nervous system called the enteric nervous system that has earned the gut the nickname of the second brain. The gut actually produces important small molecules that impact mood and cognition, both by providing a prebiotic blend.

doTERRA fiber helps maintain a healthy gut so it can perform all of its important functions, including that enteric nervous system. The addition of Certified Pure Tested Grade Lemon essential oil makes it have a nice lemon-apple flavor and it contains no added sugar. Don't forget you get 200 milligrams of vitamin C to support your body's antioxidant defenses and immune system function.

doTERRA: Absolutely. Now, before we end, we've talked about a lot of the reasons to take this fiber supplement, but what are your top reasons that everyone should be including this doTERRA Fiber in their supplement routine every day?

Scott: The clear benefits of optimizing your fiber intake mentioned previously providing the right amounts of dietary fiber can support your overall well-being and the healthy function of key body systems. It's also something that more than 90% of us could use based on the research showing that less than 10% of us actually get enough fiber daily.

doTERRA: Right.

Scott: We simply don't get enough fiber from the modern diet, making supplementation essential if you want to have that fiber and the health benefits associated with it.

doTERRA: And I know I absolutely do. You have convinced me for sure that I need to be way more regular at including that doTERRA Fiber, into my routine. Scott, it has been fantastic to talk to you today to learn about the science and the benefits of including fiber in our diet every day.

Scott: You bet. Thanks for having me.


doTERRA: There are over 1000 species of ginger plants that exist in the world today. But did you know that ginger is a cultigen? A cultigen is a plant species or variety known only in cultivation, especially one with no known wild ancestor.

Now, today, we're going to talk about some internal historical uses for this plant. But we want to remind you that various plant parts, such as leaves, bark, flower, stem, fruit peel, bud resin, etc. were often used for many different practices and benefits. These historical uses are mentioned here to offer insight as we explore the histories of oils and plants. As such, these ancient uses are solely for informational purposes and are not being advocated or recommended by doTERRA. Proceed at your own risk with such uses.

Looking at the history of ginger, we know that it originated from island Southeast Asia and that it does not exist in its wild state. And while it's most often called ginger root, it is not a root at all. It's a rhizome, which is an underground stem.

The Austronesian people, or more accurately, the Austronesian speaking peoples are a large group of various peoples in Taiwan Island, Southeast Asia, Micronesia, coastal New Guinea Island, Melanesia, Polynesia and Madagascar that speak the Austronesian languages. Ginger was carried with these people in their voyages as canoe plants during the Austronesian expansion, starting from around 5000 B.C.

They introduced it to the Pacific Islands in pre-history long before any contact with other civilizations. The rhizomes and the leaves were used to flavor food or eaten directly. The leaves were also used to weave mats. Aside from these uses, ginger had religious significance among Austronesians being used in traditional wellness practices and for asking protection from spirits.

It was also used in the blessing of Austronesian ships. The first written record of ginger comes from the Analects of Confucius, a large collection of sayings and ideas from the philosopher Confucius. He wrote these Analects in China during the Warring States period, which means they were written between 475 and 221 B.C. In this collection, Confucius was said to eat ginger with every meal.

In 406 A.D. ginger is written about again when the monk Faxian wrote that ginger was grown in pots and carried on Chinese ships for its wellness properties. In antiquity, ginger was associated with fire, the sun and heat due to the spicy kick of its scent and taste. And various folkloric myths associate the spice with the sun and the powers of fire, which is why it was often used by priests during fire rituals.

Ginger is one of the first spices to have been exported from Asia, arriving in Europe with the spice trade, and it was used by ancient Greeks and Romans, both for its flavor as well as its benefits. The Greeks would even wrap ginger in bread for use after meals. However, when the Roman Empire fell, Europe forgot all about ginger until Marco Polo brought it back again from his travel to the east and Europe found its love for ginger again.

It became highly sought after and valued in the 13th and 14th centuries. The value of one pound of ginger was equivalent to the cost of a sheep. Queen Elizabeth the first of England, is actually even credited with the invention of the gingerbread man, which became a popular Christmas treat.

In Indian cuisine, ginger is a key ingredient and has a role in traditional Ayurvedic wellness practices, which is one of the world's oldest wellness practices and remains one of India's systems to this day. Ginger is used in many forms for example, raw, crushed or powdered in the culinary practices of cultures around the world and utilized in many traditional wellness practices around the world, including traditional Chinese wellness practices.

From Korea to France to the Philippines, people around the world have fallen in love with the scent, taste, and benefits of ginger. And we know you and your family will love it as well.

Thanks for joining us and congratulations on living a healthier lifestyle with essential oils. If you want to try any of the products you learned about, click on the link in the episode description or find a Wellness Advocate near you to place an order today. And remember, if you liked what you heard today, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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