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Compliance Advice: Build Where You're Enrolled

Compliance Advice: Build Where You’re Enrolled


Wellness Advocates across team lines often inspire each other to better themselves and better their business. It is not unusual for a leader who will gain no commissionable benefit to help a Wellness Advocate who is not on their team by answering questions, offering business advice, or suggesting products. Friendships and long lasting bonds between organizations blossom in every corner of the company this way.


Keeping all friendships and compatible business partners in the same organization is a tempting prospect to build a business. Sometimes, corporate receives requests from Wellness Advocates to be moved from one organization to another in order to work with a team or set of leaders who have been particularly helpful to them. Compatibility between upline leaders and downline enrollees can make for a fruitful and fast growing organization—doTERRA® values these relationships. But, we also recognize that the possibility for hurt exists in the creation and long-lasting cultivation of these relationships.


Even though another team or leader has proven to be very helpful, there is not a situation when creating a new account or attempting to move to another organization outside of the placements policy does not cause immediate and long lasting harm to the organization left behind. There is a saying: “Bloom where you are planted.” This is applicable to these situations. After a Wellness Advocate is enrolled they have entered into a binding agreement with both doTERRA and their upline leaders to remain on their team.


Each Wellness Advocate has a duty to refrain from recruiting currently enrolled distributors to join another team as a courtesy to yourself and your fellow Wellness Advocates. Section 9(F)(2) of our policies specifically prohibits any attempts to encourage an already enrolled Wellness Advocate to move from their current line of sponsorship to another line.


However, we do recognize that there are other circumstances when a request for transfer may be appropriate. (Please contact our Placements team, placements@doterra.com with questions.) In order to move correctly to another organization, a Wellness Advocate must complete a minimum of six months of inactivity, and in the case of a Wellness Advocate who has reached a rank of silver or higher, at least twelve months of inactivity. When these policies are not followed, doTERRA is obligated to make corrections which can cause long-lasting disruption to the growth of an organization.


Helping each other grow is encouraged; it is part of the wonderful doTERRA culture both Wellness Advocates and employees have worked hard to nurture. By being aware of organizational needs and placements policies doTERRA will continue to grow in positive directions.


*More information about doTERRA policies may be found in the doTERRA Policy Manual. Have more questions about doTERRA policies? Please email compliance@doterra.com.



