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Free to Give 計畫

Free to Give 是 dōTERRA 新贊助的獎勵計畫,旨在鼓勵健康產品顧問能將債務還清,在財務上沒有掛慮,生活充裕,給予更佳立場與空間來幫助其他人。




  1. 信用卡
  2. 車貸
  3. 貸款及醫療費
  4. 擔保物 (抵押)


能夠付清這幾條債務項目是極大的任務。每一位參與 Free to Give 計畫的健康產品顧問若在其中一個項目中達到財務獨立,就可獲得一。我們的目標是要使每位健康產品顧問能一項一項的脫離債務,達到財務自由。


To enroll in the Free to Give program, or to purchase a paperback copy of a customized doTERRA version of The 4 Laws of Financial Prosperity by Blaine Harris and Charles Conrad, visit freetogive.com. (An eBook will be available at a future date.)


For any questions or concerns about the new program email freetogive@doterra.com.


The Importance of Financial Prosperity: An interview with Emily Wright, Founding Executive, Sales and Marketing


When Emily Wright got married, one of the first things she did was to go out and buy furniture and a car she couldn’t afford. She says, “It took me many years to be able to pull myself out of the debt that I accrued unnecessarily at a young age. I wish I would have had a model put before me to help me know how to manage my finances.”


She remembers as a young mother going to the grocery store with $26 in her checking account that had to last the rest of the month. While nursing, she wasn’t able to afford the nutrition to produce the milk she needed for her baby. Now she works to offer hope to others going through similar difficult situations. She says, “Sometimes we get so steeped in debt that we can’t see the light. We can’t see how we’re ever going to get out. I want to show our Wellness Advocates that there is hope. They can break free from that debt and be able to offer themselves possibilities that they never thought possible.”


Although Emily was living the principle of giving back first and living within her means, it was actually Dave Stirling who first taught her the principle of paying herself before allocating resources to living expenses. She says, “It completely shifted my mindset and put me in a position where my family and I were nearly completely out of debt when we started doTERRA, which allowed us the resources to be able to take everything and put it into the company.”


The day she went to the bank and wrote the check to pay off the remaining balance on her mortgage is a day she’ll never forget. She says, “I cried knowing that I was not beholden to anyone anymore. These resources are mine now. I get to do with them as I see fit. I get to live a lifestyle that promotes family unity and happiness and I get to give as big as I choose. That’s such a wonderful, liberating feeling that I want everyone to have.”


The doTERRA executives have always operated the company with a conservative mindset and today the company is 100 percent debt free. But, even before that point, they created the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation™ to ensure that giving back was defined as a core element of the company. Emily says, “We made the decision early on that we would make a very large contribution to be able to serve people that were in a greater need than we were. That decision was made at a time that we didn’t yet know if the company was going to make it.”


Today, all the executives hope that every Wellness Advocate will be able to become free from debt, live a lifestyle that brings them joy, and have the freedom to give to others. Emily says, “Each one of us wants to be a part of something larger than ourselves, something that is cause driven and doing good in the world. Whether we’re contributing to Healing Hands or simply buying one bottle of essential oil, we are blessing lives.”



