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Class Ideas from A to Z: Gardening

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In many parts of the world winter still seems to be in full swing. However, it’s never too late to plan ahead for planting season. Teaching about gardening and essential oils is a helpful class to do in early spring or even during summertime. Even if you’re not the most gung-ho gardener, there are tips here for everyone.


  1. If you don’t already have experience gardening, research growing tips for your specific area. You can even contact your local Cooperative Extension office for free expert advice suited to your particular climate. 

Class Outline: 

  1. Use the specific Presentation slides for any oils you plan on talking about during the class. For example, Peppermint, Rosemary, and Basil essential oils are all commonly used in gardening. Talk about the tips you have gleaned from your own experience or from what you have learned through research. 
  2. Know a gardener? Have them come to share basics about planting. 
  3. Have attendees come prepared with tips they have learned themselves in gardening and share these tips with each other. 
  4. Create a spray by putting at least 4-5 drops of Peppermint in water for keeping the pests away.


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