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Anchor Oil



容量: 5 毫升
產品編號: 60203245
Can be used aromaticallyCan be used topicallyCan be used with no dilution (neat)
零售價: $29.33
會員價: $22.00


容量: 5 毫升
產品編號: 60203245
Can be used aromaticallyCan be used topicallyCan be used with no dilution (neat)


  • Le mélange Anchor accompagne à merveille les séances de yoga. 
  • Le mélange Anchor favorise une atmosphère de stabilité. 


Huiles essentielles de lavande, de cèdre, d’encens, d’écorce de cannelle, de santal, de poivre noir et de patchouli à la base de

anchor benefits image


  • Le mélange Anchor accompagne à merveille les séances de yoga. 
  • Le mélange Anchor favorise une atmosphère de stabilité. 


Huiles essentielles de lavande, de cèdre, d’encens, d’écorce de cannelle, de santal, de poivre noir et de patchouli à la base de


  • Fractionated Coconut Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Cedarwood Essential Oil
  • Sandalwood Essential Oil
  • Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil
  • Frankincense Essential Oil
  • Black Pepper Essential Oil
  • Patchouli Essential Oil
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Fractionated Coconut Oil

doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil is a natural carrier oil that readily absorbs into the skin, making it ideal for topical delivery. Its feather-light emollient effect provides a soothing barrier without clogging the body’s pores, making it an excellent moisturizer for dry or troubled skin. It leaves the skin feeling silky smooth and non-greasy, unlike other vegetable carrier oils. Fractionated Coconut Oil is completely soluble with all essential oils and is colorless, odorless, and stain-free.

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Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is widely considered a must-have essential oil because of its versatility. It’s been used and cherished for centuries because of its unmistakable aroma and myriad of benefits. Ancient Egyptians and Romans used lavender for bathing and cooking and in perfumes.

Lavender essential oil is distilled from the freshly harvested flowering tops of the true lavender plant (also known as English lavender) from lavender farms in Bulgaria, France, and other areas of the world.

The gentle, relaxing aroma of Lavender oil is best known for promoting a peaceful environment.

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Cedarwood Essential Oil

The warm, woody aroma of Cedarwood essential oil promotes a relaxing environment when used topically or aromatically.

Cedarwood trees are native to cold climates, thriving in high altitudes and growing up to 100 feet high. It is known as a pioneer because it’s one of the first trees to return after an area has been cleared.

Reminiscent of the size and strength of the cedarwood tree, Cedarwood oil has a grounding scent. It’s frequently used in massage therapy and has clarifying properties when applied topically.

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Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood essential oil is sourced from fragrant woods that can retain their aroma for decades. Both the wood and essential oil have been highly valued for centuries.

Sandalwood oil has traditionally been used as incense in religious ceremonies because of its sweet, woody, and grounding aroma. Sandalwood oil is also beneficial to the skin, reducing the appearance of skin imperfections and promoting a smooth complexion.

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Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil

Cinnamon Bark essential oil is derived from a tropical evergreen tree that grows up to 45 feet high and has highly fragrant bark, leaves, and flowers. The sweet, spicy aroma of cinnamon is loved worldwide, and its iconic flavor is frequently used in mouth rinses and chewing gum.

The bark can be harvested year-round after the tree reaches three years of maturity. The tree is cut and the bark is peeled from the trunk and major branches. The tree regrows and can be harvested again when it reaches the right size. After the bark is harvested, it’s dried in the sun and then steam-distilled to produce the essential oil.

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Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense has been a highly valued commodity for millennia, dating back to ancient civilizations like Babylon and Assyria. The precious resin is the oldest global supply chain. Babylonians and Assyrians would burn it in religious ceremonies and for contemplative meditation. The ancient Egyptians used it in perfumes and soothing skin salves. Oil from the resin has long been used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese wellness practices.

Frankincense essential oil comes from the resin of the frankincense tree. Harvesters make shallow cuts in the bark, from which resin seeps out. The resin is left for two weeks to crystallize, then it’s scraped off the tree. This process repeats over multiple weeks throughout the harvesting season. Resin tears are carefully cleaned and organized by size and color by harvesters before distillation.

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Black Pepper Essential Oil

Black Pepper essential oil is steam-distilled from the fruit of the black pepper vine.

When mature, the fruit changes from green to dark red. They turn even darker, appearing black after being harvested and dried. Frequently grown for the spice market, black pepper is sometimes referred to as the king of spices.

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Patchouli Essential Oil

Patchouli is a bushy herb from the mint family with stems reaching two to three feet in height and bearing small pink-white flowers. Known for its rich and musky sweet fragrance, patchouli oil is regularly used in the perfume industry and in scented products like laundry detergents and air fresheners.

Patchouli essential oil comes from the leaf. Fresh leaves are air-dried for several days before distillation. When dried, they shrink to a third of their original weight. After drying, the leaves are distilled for at least eight hours.

Patchouli oil is beneficial to the skin in a myriad of ways. Patchouli essential oil is often used topically to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, and minor skin imperfections. It can also promote a smooth, glowing complexion.


Using Essential Oils for Yoga

Learn more about how essential oils can enhance any yoga experience. 


  • Appliquez-le sur les chevilles, le bas de la colonne vertébrale et la plante des pieds.
  • Accompagnez-le de postures de yoga comme la méditation assise, la torsion assise et la posture de Bhu Mudra (une main sur le cœur et l’autre sur la Terre).
  • Utilisez-le pendant vos séances de yoga ou à tout autre moment de la journée.


Usage aromatique : Appliquez sur les bijoux, la dolomite naturelle ou les pierres volcaniques pour diffuser.
Usage topique : Appliquer aux zones désirées. Voir les précautions supplémentaires ci-dessous.


Sensibilité possible de la peau. Gardez hors de la portée des enfants. Si vous êtes enceinte, si vous allaitez ou si vous suivez un traitement médical quelconque, veuillez consulter votre médecin. Éviter tout contact avec les yeux, l’intérieur des oreilles et les zones sensibles.

Page d'information (anglais)Conseils d'utilisation (anglais)Présentation (anglais)

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  • Appliquez-le sur les chevilles, le bas de la colonne vertébrale et la plante des pieds.
  • Accompagnez-le de postures de yoga comme la méditation assise, la torsion assise et la posture de Bhu Mudra (une main sur le cœur et l’autre sur la Terre).
  • Utilisez-le pendant vos séances de yoga ou à tout autre moment de la journée.


Usage aromatique : Appliquez sur les bijoux, la dolomite naturelle ou les pierres volcaniques pour diffuser.
Usage topique : Appliquer aux zones désirées. Voir les précautions supplémentaires ci-dessous.


Sensibilité possible de la peau. Gardez hors de la portée des enfants. Si vous êtes enceinte, si vous allaitez ou si vous suivez un traitement médical quelconque, veuillez consulter votre médecin. Éviter tout contact avec les yeux, l’intérieur des oreilles et les zones sensibles.

Page d'information (anglais)Conseils d'utilisation (anglais)Présentation (anglais)

More about Essential Oils and Yoga

Enhance your yoga experience with a little help from essential oils. 

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Yoga Collection

Meet Anchor, Align, and Arise—the three staples of the doTERRA Yoga Collection. These essential oil blends can make your yoga practice an aromatic delight.

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DIY: Yoga Mat Spray

Keep your yoga mat clean between practices with this easy DIY yoga mat spray with essential oils. You can make it in just a few minutes!

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Podcast Episode: Yoga and Essential Oils

Discover how to incorporate essential oils into your yoga routine in this episode of Essential Oil Solutions with doTERRA.

Useful Resources



