- 益生菌群在任何年齡都支持健康的消化和免疫系統功能。*
- 益生菌群幫助支持最佳的代謝和營養吸收。*
- 益生菌群結合了13種益生菌菌株和一種前生物質纖維—低聚果糖(FOS)—以促進健康的腸道定植。*
- 益生菌群提供微膠囊化的益生菌菌株,以支持高效地送達到下消化道。*
- 益生菌群不含麩質。
Get Hooked on the New doTERRA PB Assist+
Dive into the science behind the microencapsulated magic of PB Assist+ and the paramount importance of a resilient gut microbiome.*
Discover how PB Assist+ can help with more than just digestion.*
Need some tips on sharing PB Assist+? This product course is filled with quick facts, deep science, and more to help you feel comfortable talking about these samples!
Introduce others to the ProBiome products with this simple educational trifold. You can download it for free on the Digital Marketing Kit (DMK).
In this episode of Essential Oil Solutions with doTERRA, we delve into the amazing research behind the new doTERRA ProBiome products. We sit down to talk with Tatiana Grant, discussing her experience in the product focus group!
* 以上聲稱尚未經過美國食品藥物管理局認證。本產品並無意用於診斷,治療或防止疾病。