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Episode 252: Supporting Summer Skin and a look at TerraShield

In this episode we sit down with Samantha Lewis, a member of the doTERRA product marketing team, to talk about how you can support your skin during the summer. She'll discuss some things you need to watch out for, products like the doTERRA sun Face Mineral Sunscreen Daily Moisturizer and the Face + Body Mineral Sunscreen Stick to help protect your skin from the sun, as well as some of her other favorite doTERRA products to use in her skincare routine like Turmeric, the doTERRA Sun Care line, and the Rose Duet.

This episode is sponsored by Lavender, learn more about how you can get a free, exclusive copy of the Internal Use of Essential Oils audiobook by purchasing a bottle of Lavender.

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As the seasons change, so do the needs of your skin. So today we'll talk all about what to do for the summertime.

Welcome back to Essential Oil Solutions with doTERRA, the podcast where you'll hear exciting, useful and simple everyday uses for essential oils from experts in the field.

Today's episode is brought to you by Lavender, a plant that's been treasured and revered for almost 3000 years. Wherever you're headed on adventures this summer, make sure that Lavender is always with you so that you stay doTERRA ready.

Right now, as a podcast exclusive, if you buy a bottle of Lavender and enter the promo code "NATURAL" at checkout, we'll send you an exclusive audiobook: "Internal Use of Essential Oils." This audiobook will help you learn how to safely use essential oils, as well as tips and ideas for the best ways to use essential oils internally.

Check out the link in our episode description or visit doterra.com/podcastoffer to learn more. Open to US orders only.

Today, we're excited to talk to Samantha Lewis, a member of the doTERRA product Marketing team, about supporting your skin for the summer. Plus, we'll take a look at the oils inside of the TerraShield® blend.


Samantha, thank you so much for being here today.

Samantha Lewis

Thanks for having me.


I am so excited to talk about this topic because I think it's one that I need a little bit of help on.

So, to start things off, what are the things we need to watch out for in the summer, in particular, when it comes to our skin?


Well, sun is the first obvious answer. But really, it's sun at the wrong times of day for the wrong amount of time. I've actually been learning about this a lot. There are some advantages to sun exposure, but keep in mind that extended exposure during like high UV index times can cause some damage.

We also want to keep water in mind, as well, on two different aspects. We want to keep our water intake in mind, but also our water exposure, exposure to chlorine or even salt or fresh water over time can sometimes result in dry feeling skin. Plus, we know chlorine just isn't preferred. Try and stay away from that if we can.

The other side of water is getting enough water in your system throughout the day. So, staying hydrated is so important for your skin and overall well-being.


Absolutely. Those are really big things.

Now, you brought up sun. Obviously, sun is a really big concern in the summer. What options does doTERRA have for sun care?


We have some incredible sun care options that I love to incorporate into my entire family's routine.

Now I'm a redhead and have super fair skin. I'm pretty selective about my time in the sun while unprotected with an SPF product. I usually have a doTERRA® sun Face + Body Mineral Sunscreen Stick on me, whether it's in my purse or the diaper bag. I'm reapplying it when we're outside on myself and my family all day long.

I also can't get enough of the new doTERRA® sun Face Mineral Sunscreen Daily Moisturizer. I don't know if you've tried it yet, but it is a staple in my new face morning routine, and just part of my skincare. It's so hydrating and I know I'm protected from the sun throughout the entire day. During moments where I do forget to apply or maybe don't reapply sunscreen as often, I rely on essential oils to soothe and calm my skin. But since we launched the doTERRA® sun After Sun Restorative Body Spray, I don't spend time making my DIY After Sun product anymore.

I used to have a spray bottle with essential oils that are already in the doTERRA® sun After Sun Restorative Body Spray like Copaiba, Lavender, Peppermint, Helichrysum and Frankincense. So, instead of DIYing that--instead of taking the time--now I just grab my doTERRA® sun After Sun Restorative Body Spray and I know my skin is getting just what it needs after a long day in the sun.


Yes. And I love the doTERRA® sun Face Mineral Sunscreen Daily Moisturizer. I love the doTERRA® sun Face + Body Mineral Sunscreen Stick. I love it all.

And it doesn't leave your skin feeling greasy or weird. It doesn't leave any weird smells. I think it's so incredible to have.

Now, looking outside of sun care, what are just some of your favorite doTERRA products to use on your skin during the summer?


Well, you know, love the sun, love the doTERRA® sun Body Mineral Sunscreen Spray. I haven't mentioned that yet. It's so easy to use. And it has really clean ingredients that I need from a sunscreen.

But outside of sun protection, as an additional post-sun product, I actually really love to layer on the Yarrow|Pom Nutritive Duo with doTERRA® sun After Sun Restorative Body Spray. I've experienced this soothing feeling and even take a few drops internally to help support my body while it's recovering from a lot of that sun exposure that I get.


That sounds incredible and I think anyone who's used that Yarrow|Pom knows that it is powerful and can really help out.


Yeah, it's so good.


I love it.

Finally, what are just some of your favorite essential oils that we can work into our skincare routine to help support our skin?


I honestly could go on and on, but I had to be very selective. So, no matter the time of year, there are a few key essential oils that I have in my skincare routine. I honestly think that skincare is one of the most simple ways to incorporate essential oils into your life daily.

Yarrow|Pom, like I mentioned, is honestly a staple. It's a daily use for me, but I go through it like wild in the summer, especially. I've actually been combining that with the new Moringa and Rose combination recently. If you haven't gotten your hands on the Rose Duet with the Rose Hydrosol, literally run, don't walk, go grab it. These products have been an absolute game changer for my skin.

I usually start off with the Hydrosol to prep my skin, don't rinse it off and then combine about a half a dropper of Yarrow|Pom, with about half a pump of Moringa Rose. It's a really great base for Gua Sha, and it's super hydrating to the skin, especially in the summer when we really need that hydration most.

Now I'm talking a lot about hydration because my skin and most people, I'd argue, really need it in the summer, right? But I still deal with other skin problems all year round.

I simply love a quick spot treatment. I usually combine equal parts Turmeric, Tea Tree and Copaiba. I take that with a cotton swab or a clean finger. If my skin is compromised, I always dilute it in a really low comedogenic carrier oil. I don't want to cause more problems than I'm trying to solve.

Then once that spot is mostly dried up, after a day or two, from the combination spot treatment, I go in with some Immortelle and Moringa Rose to help with the overall appearance, long-term of that spot. I really feel like this whole combination just helps take my skincare to another level and it's so simple and I can use these essential oils in multiple capacities, like it's not just skin. But I'm obsessed with the skin application of them.


And all of that sounds amazing, especially that Rose Duet. It is just like you said--it's revolutionary. It's incredible to have as part of your skincare routine.


Yeah, it's so good. I don't know if you've tried it yet, but the Hydrosol Mist, that spray, it's incredible. So, like I said, get your hands on it while it's here. Hopefully we can bring it back, but it's only here for a limited time. And it's become a key piece of my skincare routine.


I love it.


Stock up so you don't run out.


Samantha, thank you so much for sitting down with us today and teaching us a little bit more about how we can support our skin during the summer.


Thanks so much for having me.


A beautiful summer's day beckons to be enjoyed. The sun shines and you're ready to spend all of your time outside. One thing that you don't want to forget: your TerraShield. No matter where your summer adventures take you you'll want to have TerraShield on hand. This incredible blend of Citronella, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Thyme, Cedarwood and Geranium is ready to become your new summer favorite.

Today, we're going to talk about some internal, historical uses for some of these plants. But we want to remind you that not all of these oils and blends are for internal use and should only be used aromatically or topically. Any internal benefits discussed for the individual oils in the blend are not applicable to aromatic or topical use.

Also, various plant parts such as the leaves bark, flower, stem, fruit, peel, bud, resin, etcetera were often used for many different practices and benefits. These historical uses are mentioned here to offer insight as we explore the history of oils and plants. As such, these ancient uses are solely for informational purposes and are not being advocated or recommended by doTERRA. Proceed at your own risk with such uses.

Also, though, historical uses of these oils may cover many applications, the TerraShield blend has only been specifically tested against mosquitoes and is an effective mosquito repellent.

First, we have Citronella. Citronella is a plant that you're probably used to hearing about in relation to the outdoors. It's a grass plant that is commonly mistaken for, or even sometimes referred to as lemongrass because they are so similar in appearance, growth and processing method.

However, the two plants simply belong to the same plant family. They're more like cousins.

Citronella is popular for many different applications, including as an insect repellent, a fragrant candle ingredient, and is utilized in perfumes, deodorants, skin lotions and soaps. This fragrant grass has earned the name "citronella" from the French word meaning lemon balm and the trademark clean, lemon-like aroma of citronella becomes easily apparent when the plant is crushed.

Many people find that dried citronella grass is an excellent addition to potpourri. For centuries, citronella has been a natural wellness resource and a food ingredient all over the world. Places like China, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. And it's used for everything from flavoring culinary dishes to lending its scent to natural cleaning products and pest-repelling candles.

Lemongrass is native to tropical regions such as Africa, Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania, and it's an important ingredient in many traditional Asian cuisines. This herb is especially important in the cuisines of Vietnam and Thailand, where it provides both the base and added flavorings for numerous soups. In countries such as India, China and Thailand it has been used as a flavoring agent in beverages and desserts.

The scent of Lemongrass is fresh and light with a hint of lemon citrus, even though it is just a grass. It belongs to a family known as Graminea--the same family that citronella and palmarosa belong to. Its pleasing scent makes it very useful in perfumes, soaps and cosmetics.

In hoodoo, lemongrass is the primary ingredient of Van Van Oil, one of the most popular oils used. Van Van Oil is an old hoodoo formula designed to clear away evil, provide magical protection, open the road to new prospects, change bad luck to good and empower amulets and charms. It is the most popular of the New Orleans hoodoo recipes. Lemongrass is used in this preparation and on its own in hoodoo to protect against evil, spiritually cleanse a house and to bring good luck in love affairs.

In addition to cooking and personal care products, lemongrass has also been used throughout history and traditional wellness practices. In India it has long been used. And in Latin America they would often brew a tea with the grass to take advantage of its beneficial properties. The leaves of the grass were also chewed, or the sap would be made into a compress to utilize in various situations.

Today, lemongrass continues to be used in Cuba and the Caribbean as part of natural wellness solutions.

Did you know that some of the earliest mentions of peppermint appear in Greek mythology, by Roman philosophers, the Christian Bible and by monks in the Middle Ages? There are even ancient Egyptian texts dating as early as 1550 B.C. that include peppermint.

Pliny, a Roman scientist and historian, recorded that the Greeks and Romans used peppermint to flavor sauces and wines. Sprays of peppermint also adorned their tables. Ancient Greek physicians used two different species of mint in their wellness practices. And there's also evidence that the Egyptians cultivated peppermint, and dried leaves were even discovered in several pyramids.

Peppermint is also mentioned in 13th century Icelandic writings, but it wasn't until the middle of the 18th century that peppermint was cultivated for its wellness properties in Western Europe and England.

One of the big things that Peppermint has been used for throughout history is as a natural deterrent to pests. People have planted peppermint around their gardens and homes for centuries to keep away uninvited visitors.

Wild thyme grows in the Levant, a term referring to a large area in the eastern Mediterranean region of Western Asia, where it might have been first cultivated. Experts in language tell us that thyme's name was derived from the Greek word, "thymus," meaning courage, and thyme's history has long been intertwined with the idea of courage.

The ancient Greeks used thyme in their baths and burnt it as an incense in their temples, believing it was a source of courage. In Europe, in the Middle Ages, women would give gifts to knights and warriors that included leaves from a thyme plant. It was believed that these gifts would bring the knights courage in battle.

Thyme also has throughout history been associated with funerary rites. Ancient Egyptians used time during their embalming process. And in the Middle Ages, thyme was used as an incense and placed on coffins during funerals with the belief that it would ensure the deceased passage into the next life.

Throughout history, thyme has also been used in traditional wellness practices. Hippocrates recommended thyme for a variety of uses. In the Victorian era, it was also heavily utilized as a wellness practice. And in the Middle Ages it was also often placed underneath pillows to ward off nightmares.

Red cedar, Virginian juniper and aromatic cedar. All of these are names for juniperus virginiana, the beautiful, fragrant tree. Red cedar is a strong, resilient tree that's able to withstand extreme climates and can tolerate most soil types. It's also what's known as a pioneer species. A pioneer species is one of the first species that returns to a cleared, eroded or otherwise damaged land.

Among pioneer species, the red cedar is unusually long-lived, with the potential to last over 900 years. In fact, the oldest red cedar reported was in West Virginia, and it was 940 years old. During the Dust Bowl in the 1930 farmers were encouraged to plant lines of red cedar called, "shelter belts." Shelter belts protected farms or fields from strong winds that cause erosion. Since the red cedar thrives in harsh and diverse conditions, it was an ideal tree for creating a natural windbreak.

Among many Native American cultures, the smoke of a burning red cedar is traditionally used to drive away evil spirits prior to conducting certain ceremonies. For numerous tribes, red cedar symbolizes the tree of life and is burned in sweat lodges and purification rites. Native American tribes also used poles of juniper wood to mark their hunting territories. In fact, the French traders noticed such poles and named one area of Louisiana, "Baton Rouge," which means "red stick."

Red cedar has also been used in traditional wellness practices. People would crush the leaves and apply them to the skin. Others would boil a mixture of nuts, twigs and leaves and breathe in the steam. With its sweet woody fragrance, Cedarwood Essential Oil is the perfect way to capture the beauty and peace of the forest.

Finally we have Geranium.

Geranium is a native of South Africa, where more than 250 wild species of the plant still grow. The first geraniums did not come to Europe until the 17th century, but the geranium is not actually a member of the geranium family. To any gardener or botanist geranium refers to a winter-hardy perennial shrub. They refer to the popular summer flower as "pelargoniums."

The naming problem came about in the 17th century, when the first pelargoniums were brought to Europe. They were called geraniums due to their similarity to the perennial plants. The name stuck and has been used ever since. Several European countries consider the geranium an integral part of their culture and a symbol of their homeland. The Swiss have even selected this easy- care blooming beauty as their national flower.

Geranium has had many uses throughout history. It found popularity as a flavoring with the flowers and leaves being used in cakes, jams, jellies, ice creams, sorbet, salads, sugars and teas. And the indigenous people of South Africa utilized the roots of the geranium in their traditional wellness practices.

Certain scent leaf geraniums have even been found to naturally repel pests. At the slightest breeze or the lightest touch these plants release their perfume and what may be a pleasant smell to us humans doesn't smell so good to the insects and helps them keep away.

Whatever you're up to this summer, TerraShield is ready to stay right by your side. Try it and we know it will become a staple in your home.

Thanks for joining us and congratulations on living a healthier lifestyle with essential oils. If you want to try any of the products you learned about, click on the link in the episode description or find a Wellness Advocate near you to place an order today.

And remember, if you liked what you heard today rate review and subscribe wherever you listen.



