Juniper Berry Essential Oil

Juniper Berry  Essential Oil Supplement

مل5 :الحجم
AED 140.00 :بالتجزئة
AED 105.00 :بالجملة
27 :PV


Woody, fresh, and crisp, CPTG® Juniper Berry essential oil has a calming and grounding aroma. Use of the berries of the juniper, a coniferous tree, can be traced to the Old Testament and has a rich history of traditional uses and benefits. The specific properties in Juniper Berry may be beneficial to the body as a whole.


  • Add a drop to water or citrus drinks for a boost of flavour.


Dilute one drop in 120 mL of liquid. Take it once a day.


Only use diluted. Take no more than one drop per day. Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with sensitive areas. 

الفوائد الأساسية

  • May have antioxidant properties


Juniperus Communis Fruit Oil

وصف عطري

Balsamic, fresh, woody, spicy

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