Only events and enrolments (from those events) in which the Diamond Club member personally participates in the presentation will count toward the Diamond Club member’s required monthly events and enrolments (18), and for program enrolment incentives.

An Out-of-Area Trip is defined as traveling to a location at least 100 km from home where the Diamond Club Member personally participates in the presentation at an event. Each month you need at least three out-of-area trips to stay qualified to continue. You can reach this requirement in many ways.
For example, if you travel to an out-of-area location and stay for seven days and hold at least three events, each being held on separate days, you can count this as all three of the required out-of-area trips needed for the month. You could also travel to an out-of-area location for four days and hold at least two events, each being held on separate days, and count this as two of your required trips. We encourage you to make the most of your travel time. Keep in mind this does not change your reimbursement eligibility and enrolment requirements.
In order to receive reimbursement, the Diamond Club member must have at least one team member in the immediate Out-of-Area location who has a 100 PV LRP order the month they travel there. Reimbursement is only received each time you actually travel to the location from your home or another away area (see multi-trips).
A local event is a class that is held within 100 km of the participant’s home area in which the Diamond Club member personally participates at the event with their team. We want to make sure your home area isn’t feeling neglected. A recent enhancement in the Diamond Club program has given additional focus to continued support and building in your home area. This will help you create and maintain a solid foundation for your business. Each month you need to hold at least three local events to stay qualified to continue in Diamond Club
A Multi-trip Excursion consists of first holding an event in an area 100 km away from home (trip 1) and then traveling an additional 100 km from that location (trip 2) to hold another event without returning home. Multi-trip excursions count toward your Out-of-Area Trips individually.
Diamond Club members are not limited by an event maximum. We encourage you to hold several events on each trip to make the most of your time away from home. Just remember that all events must follow all Diamond Club Rules in order to be eligible for Diamond Club incentives and reimbursement
Click here for the Diamond Club event tracker form.

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