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AromaTouch Hand Technique Class

Hand Technique Class

The AromaTouch® Hand Technique Class will provide your students with a well-rounded AromaTouch Hand Technique education. This class will not only develop their essential oil education, but also provide an opportunity for a unique essential oil experience.

This class is taught with eight oil categories that each provide information about that oil group. While the class normally uses all eight oil categories, it can be adjusted for any type of class setting. You can choose to use any number of categories to create a more focused oil class. You can be as creative as you want as you use the materials provided to develop a class for each unique situation.

After you teach this class, your students will be able to confidently use, share, and teach the AromaTouch Hand Technique to others.


Class Outline

Hand Technique PowerPoint Education – 20 Minutes

Hand Technique Oil Blending – 10 Minutes

Hand Technique Practice – 20 Minutes

Closing of Event – 10 Minutes 


What You Will Need

  • Hand Technique Class PowerPoint (Comes with instructions for each slide following the outline of the class)
  • Presentation Capability (TV, Projector and Screen, Laptop, etc.)
  • Hand Technique Class Kit (8 Oil Categories, Oil Blend Ingredient Cards, Hand Technique Instruction Mini-Booklets, Oil Sample Bottles, Oil Sample Gift Bags)
  • Oils for the Hand Technique Oil Blending (Start with what you have and build up your collection)

Oil Blend Suggestions

The AromaTouch Hand Technique only takes 1–3 drops of oil applied to each hand to have an amazing oil experience. For each blend suggestion, you will need a sample vial. Put 25 drops of Fractionated Coconut Oil in the sample vial and then add the oil that you would like to use for the Hand Technique. This will help the oils blend well and readily absorb into the skin. After completing this step, apply 1–3 drops of the blend for the Hand Technique you are performing.
Blends with 5 Oils    ► Blends with 4 Oils    ► Blends with 3 Oils    ► Blends with 2 Oils

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