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AromaTouch® For Your Business


Many of our Wellness Advocates have benefited from our tools and resources to build their business. From the Class in the Box to the oils themselves, they have been able to develop relationships and strong leaders that have helped them continue their business building. One of the tools that has not been as tapped into as a way to introduce an essential oils is the AromaTouch® Technique. The AromaTouch Technique is a simple yet powerful way to provide every individual with an essential oil experience. Incorporating the AromaTouch into your business can be simple and effective.

Why? The AromaTouch Technique is a great way to give anyone a powerful first experience with essential oils. The beauty of the AromaTouch is in its simplicity–anyone can do it. It can create a great connection between you and the person you are introducing to doTERRA®. Dr. David K. Hill, D.C. explains, “In all that we do, in all that we learn, let’s not forget our responsibility to help other people.” When we introduce the oils to someone, it should not just be about the business. It should also be about how much you care for that person and want to give at1them an opportunity take charge of their own life. The AromaTouch can show people that you care.

If the person you want to introduce to the oils does not have enough time to receive a full AromaTouch, a great alternative is the AromaTouch Hand Technique. This technique takes between five to seven minutes to complete. During this time, you can explain what doTERRA is while giving them an essential oil experience. You can address any concerns they may have or simply focus on uplifting their mood. Whether you are at the grocery store or the café, there is always time for the AromaTouch Hand Technique.

For those who are already a part of your business and team, you can also offer complimentary AromaTouch Technique applications as an incentive to help your leaders reach their goals. This can benefit you in two ways. First, it can help motivate your team members to push themselves. And, second, it helps them feel taken care of. It is the perfect way to show that you want them to feel appreciated, refreshed, and rejuvenated after they have worked so hard.

There are many ways to incorporate the AromaTouch into your business. These suggestions are just a few great ways to use this technique in your business. Perhaps more importantly, AromaTouch can help you continue to learn and meet the needs of your team and those you care about the most.

 *For more information, please contact


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