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Introducing: The Tool Your Business Has Been Missing

Currently available to Premieres and above. Coming soon to all Wellness Advocates.

Would you rather fumble in the dark or have a clear pathway to follow? The clear pathway is obviously the easier and most effective choice, and running a business is no different. Knowing what your customers are ordering opens the door to so many business opportunities! It literally pays to know which products they’ve tried and which are their favorites.

However, after the first few orders you usually can’t (metaphorically) look over your customers’ shoulders while they shop, which makes managing your business difficult. How can you customize your team interactions to individual needs when you don’t know what they are?

Now there’s a solution: the Back Office Sales Dashboard!

Understanding the Sales Dashboard

This tool shows your team’s ordering history from the past year, allowing you to run your business with confidence and guide your customers’ shopping experiences every time they order.

You’ll find the Sales Dashboard on the “Teams” tab in your Back Office, where you can see your team’s overall ordering trends. There are a few ways you can group these trends for your business:

  • Choose specific dates.
    • For example, arrange to see who’s ordered this month.
  • View by product.
    • For example, find out who’s ordered the current Product of the Month before and make sure they know how they can get the product again for free!
  • View by customer.
    • For example, consider which legs are struggling. Make plans to reach out to those leaders and show them the Sales Dashboard so they can help their team members.

A No-Brainer Tool for Your Business

Use the Sales Dashboard to view your team’s ordering trends and help customize their doTERRA experience. People often stop ordering because they feel like they’ve seen enough of what doTERRA has to offer, so show them different!

Here’s how you can use this tool to stay in contact with your team and propel your business:

  • Suggest products you love to customers who haven’t tried them.
  • Send DIYs for products your team members have ordered.
  • Send educational materials for products they recently ordered or haven’t gotten in a while.
  • Find out which products customers order regularly and let them know about relevant promotions.
  • Discover who orders regularly and who could use a boost.
  • Reach out to downline leaders and encourage them to use the Sales Dashboard for their own teams.

Running your business in the dark is a thing of the past. With the Back Office Sales Dashboard, you can keep your business moving forward like never before.

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