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Dishwasher Detergent Tablets


Make your own natural dishwasher tablets by following this simple step-by-step recipe. This DIY contains the cleansing power of doTERRA On Guard® and Grapefruit oils, leaving your dishes clean and smelling fresh.

1 cup baking soda
¼ cup citric acid
1 tablespoon doTERRA On Guard Cleaner Concentrate
5 drops Grapefruit oil


  1. Put baking soda, citric acid, doTERRA On Guard Cleaner Concentrate, and Grapefruit oil in a mixing bowl. Mix together until the mixture is an even consistency.
  2. Place in silicon molds and let sit for four hours. Remove tabs.
  3. Store in an airtight container.
  4. Use in dishwasher in place of store-bought dishwasher tablets.

Tip: Adding one cup white vinegar to the rinsing agent compartment in your dishwasher will help ensure that your glassware comes out of the dishwasher sparkling!

This recipe makes about 12–18 tablets, depending on the size of the molds used. A silicone ice cube tray often works well, but any silicone mold tray that produce tablets between an inch and a half to two inches will work. The size doesn’t need to be exact.

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