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doTERRA Breathe® Shower Melts


Shower melts are a great alternative to bath bombs if you are in a hurry or prefer showers. This DIY includes doTERRA Breathe® Respiratory Blend, to help give feelings of open airways and promote clear breathing. You can use different oils for different effects, but this one is especially helpful when experiencing the effects of seasonal threats, or to calm the senses before bed.

1 cup baking soda
25 drops doTERRA Breathe Respiratory Blend
¼ cup water


  1. Combine baking soda and water in a small bowl. Mix well.
  2. Add 25 drops (depending on desired potency) to mixture. Stir until well combined.
  3. Pack mixture into small silicone molds and allow to set overnight.
  4. To use, place a tab in your shower away from the direct flow of water and enjoy the cooling effect of the doTERRA Breathe blend.
  5. Store in an airtight container. This will help prevent the volatile compounds of the oil from evaporating into the air. Use within one week.

Tip: For continued benefits after your shower, apply doTERRA Breathe® Vapor Stick to neck and chest area.

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