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Natural Stone Cleaning Spray


Your countertop is at the heart of your kitchen. You prepare food, gather with family and friends, and sometimes craft or do homework around it. Whether you have granite, onyx, marble, or another type of stone countertop, you usually want to protect and clean your stone the best way possible. But, for anyone trying to live a chemical-free lifestyle, you also want to be able to clean your finished stone surfaces naturally.

Chances are that you already know not to use acidic solutions on your stone. This includes vinegar, lemon juice, or other acidic cleaners that you typically turn to. This is a problem specifically for marble, limestone, travertine, or onyx surfaces. You also don’t want to use abrasive cleaners such as soft scrub, as they may scratch the surface, even on sealed stone.

Instead, you want to be sure to use pH neutral, or non-acidic products. Isopropyl alcohol and castile soap have a neutral pH, and can be used on stone countertops or tile. The other good news? Essential oils (including citrus oils) are not acidic.** This makes their cleansing properties very helpful when it comes to stone surfaces.

½ cup isopropyl alcohol
1½ cups water
15 drops doTERRA On Guard®
½ teaspoon castile soap


  1. Combine all ingredients in a 16 ounce glass spray bottle.
  2. Before using, shake well and spray over the surface.
  3. Wipe away with a soft cloth.

Tip: Other oils that work well in this cleaner include Lemon, Grapefruit, or Basil essential oils.

**Note: Despite the lack of acid in essential oils, this doesn’t mean that the constituents in the oil won’t interact with some substances. Diluted citrus oils in this cleaning solution should not damage finished stone surfaces, particularly if the surface is sealed correctly. But, before spraying your entire countertop with this solution, we recommend testing in a small, inconspicuous area to make sure there are no issues.

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