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Relief for Ukrainian Refugees

Building Leaders and Humanitarians Through the doTERRA Healing Hands® Match

A woman with luggage and lot of boxes in an airport.
A woman with luggage and lot of boxes in an airport.

Before she ever completed her Match project, doTERRA Elite, Hayley Lowry often spent time soul searching, trying to determine who and how she could help. She wanted to find something larger than herself to be a part of and, when she became aware of the needs of Ukrainian refugees in Poland, she decided to act.

Hayley applied to do a Match project through the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®. Working with Reach Humanity, Hayley raised money to buy food, hygiene supplies, and solar lights. Using her own funds, Hayley traveled to Poland where she was able to help with distribution efforts.

As a licensed massage therapist, Hayley found herself in a unique position to serve beyond providing supplies. Working with volunteers, she was able to give hand massages to individuals at the refugee center. The massages served as simple moments of connection, giving the refugees a chance to forget their burdens for a time and experience some much needed pampering and caring.

Looking back on her Match project, Hayley shared, “I felt empowered by this project because it helped me overcome some of the anxiety and fear related to taking action. This feeling of empowerment would not have been possible without my mentors. People who have been paving the way and teaching me how to become a successful leader. . . I am continuing to grow, and the empowerment comes from the skills doTERRA has taught me through the mentorship program and creating a daily success schedule with habits that help me make the best decisions and manage my time wisely. There is no way I could have accomplished what I accomplished without these key principles. . . [Now] I feel like I can do anything!”

Through her efforts, Hayley touched the lives of 3,200 refugees, helping ease their burdens. Beyond that, Hayley herself has been forever changed. Now not only is she a massage therapist and a doTERRA leader, she’s also a humanitarian with the skills and confidence to continue making a difference in the world one drop, one person, and one community at a time.

Two people standing in front of a building with a string of lights.

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