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Using Floral Oils


Clary Sage, Geranium, Helichrysum, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, and Ylang Ylang are all considered the doTERRA floral oils. Frequently used in perfumes, these oils come from the flower of their plant of origin, whether it be an herb or a tree. The exception is Geranium, which comes from the flower as well as the rest of the plant.

Floral oils are steam-distilled because of the delicate nature of their compounds that would be damaged in higher heat. However, only Clary Sage and Lavender share a similar chemical makeup with their main constituents being linalool and linalyl acetate. Each of the other floral oils possess their own unique chemical makeup. All of these oils can be used aromatically, topically, or internally.

The common properties floral oils share include aromatic benefits, as well as benefits to the skin and hair. Lavender, Ylang Ylang, and Clary Sage have calming aromas when you need to create a space for occasional stress relief. To smooth or improve the appearance of skin, all you need is Geranium, Helichrysum, or Roman Chamomile. Clary Sage, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, or Ylang Ylang can all be added shampoo or conditioner (or massaged directly onto your scalp) to give your hair and scalp a healthy appearance.

Read on for the unique uses of each of these essential oils.

Clary Sage

  • Apply two to four drops to the abdomen for a soothing abdominal massage.
  • Apply one to two drops to the bottoms of your feet or on the pulse points to take advantage of the powerfully soothing aroma.
  • Apply one to two drops to your pillow to prepare for a restful night’s sleep.

Main Constituents: linalyl acetate, linalool


  • Combine with Fractionated Coconut Oil and give your partner a massage.
  • Apply under your arms after a sweaty workout or a day in the sun.
  • Place one drop in the palm of your hands, rub your hands together, and cup them over nose and mouth, breathing slowly for a calming aroma.
  • Add to your next DIY potpourri.
  • Put a few drops on a cotton ball and place around your home to naturally repel insects.

Main Constituents: citronellol, citronellyl formate, geraniol


  • Apply topically to reduce the appearance of blemishes.
  • Apply to the face to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and to promote a glowing, youthful complexion.
  • Use in conjunction with a full-body massage.
  • Massage into the temples and back of the neck for a soothing sensation.
  • Take two drops in a veggie capsule, as it may help promote a healthy metabolism*

Main Constituents: neryl acetate, alpha-Pinene, gamma-Curcumene


  • Use directly on the skin to soothe occasional skin discomfort or reduce the appearance of skin imperfections.
  • Take with water or in a Veggie Cap to promote mental relaxation.*
  • Add a few drops to pillows, bedding, or the bottoms of the feet before bedtime.
  • Refresh your mattress, car, or even the air with a light mist that combines a few drops with water in a spray bottle.
  • Use in cooking to soften citrus flavors and add a flavorful twist to marinades, baked goods, and desserts.
  • Take one to two drops internally in a Veggie Cap for peaceful rest.*

Main Constituents: linalool, linalyl acetate

Roman Chamomile

  • Set the stage for sleep by diffusing one to two drops or apply to the bottoms of your feet at bedtime.
  • Diffuse for a soothing aroma.
  • Apply to the wrists and neck, enjoying a peaceful evening at home.
  • Apply to the chest over your heart for a sweet, floral aroma.

Main Constituents: 4-methylamyl angelate, isobutyl angelate, isoamyl tiglate

Ylang Ylang

  • Add to Fractionated Coconut Oil for a deep hair conditioner.
  • Diffuse two to four drops as you focus on a positive outlook.
  • Take one to two drops internally for antioxidant support.*
  • Create relaxing atmosphere by adding a few drops to an Epsom salts bath as you unwind.

Main Constituents: germacrene, caryophyllene

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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