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Strawberry Coconut Creams


Coconut and strawberry creams taste sweet, light, and fresh. They make an excellent frozen gift! They can be eaten individually, or with additional strawberries or as a parfait. 

1 pound of fresh strawberries
1 (5.3 onzas) coconut flavored Greek yogurt
1 drop of doTERRA Wild Orange essential oil  


  1. Add the essential oil to your yogurt and stir.
  2. Hollow out the strawberries and fill them with the yogurt mix.
  3. Add any other ingredients desired.
Tip: Other excellent ingredients for this recipe include cacao seeds, sliced almonds, granola, coconut flakes, etc.

Strawberry Coconut Creams

with Wild Orange essential oil


Prep Time:5 min

Cook Time:5 min



1 pound fresh strawberries
1 (5.3 ounce) coconut Greek Yogurt
1 drop Wild Orange oil


  1. 將精油加入酸奶中並攪拌。
  2. 把草莓挖空,然後用酸奶混合物填滿。
  3. 添加所需的任何其他成分。


Some great toppings for this recipe include cacao nibs, sliced almonds, granola, coconut flakes, etc.

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