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doTERRA Clove Study


Rich in the monoterpene phenol eugenol, Clove essential oil has stimulating and warming properties, along with a variety of uses ranging from cleansing to oral care. Previous studies have shown that Clove essential oil is able to support healthy inflammatory processes in human cells.* A recent research paper by doTERRA scientists published in Pharmaceutical Biology adds to our knowledge of the activity of Clove essential oil in human skin cells.

doTERRA scientists studied the impact of Clove essential oil in the Biologically Multiplexed Activity Profiling (BioMAP®) human dermal fibroblast system, a well-validated human skin model. The study found that Clove essential oil was able to affect critical proteins that are relevant to healthy inflammatory response and tissue remodeling processes. The study also found that Clove essential oil actively impacts human genes and signaling pathways. These findings suggest that we are just beginning to scratch the surface when it comes to the health benefits of Clove essential oil when used topically.

Though further research is needed for full understanding of Clove’s efficacy and mechanisms of action, doTERRA scientists have once again advanced the research of essentials oils and their health benefits.


BioMAP® is a registered trademark of DiscoverX Corporation.

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