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Aging Happens from the Inside Out

MetaPWR Advantage Product Image
MetaPWR Advantage Product Image

Aging happens from the inside out because it’s rooted at the cellular level. If your cells are young and healthy, that manifests on the outside. If your cells are struggling or damaged beyond their years, that also manifests outside.


Your biological age, unlike your chronological age, isn’t determined by the number of years of your life, but rather by how well your cells function and what they do for your body. This fact is at the heart of doTERRA MetaPWR® Advantage. The ingredients give you an advantage on a cellular level.*


Ingredient Highlights in MetaPWR Advantage

Liposomal Vitamin C and Other Ingredients

Other ingredients we want to highlight are resveratrol, rose apple extract, ceramides from rice, red-orange extract, sea buckthorn, biotin, hyaluronic acid, and liposomal vitamin C.


According to preliminary studies, red-orange extract and sea buckthorn are both polyphenol antioxidants, but more confirming clinical research is needed. Antioxidants fight free radicals and prevent oxidative damage and stress.*


Liposomal vitamin C is important because it encourages the fibroblasts of your body to synthesize new collagen and stabilizes the collagen and fiber roles in your body via hydroxilation.*


As a chief component of the extracellular matrix, hyaluronic acid plays a similar role in maintaining the integrity and health of your skin. Its unique ability to absorb and retain water helps prevent dry or damaged skin. You’ll sometimes see it manifested as dry, scaly, or wrinkled skin.*



The collagen in MetaPWR Advantage has a greater breadth of benefits and comes in a more convenient form than any other product on the market. Take a deep dive into the nine unique collagen types in MetaPWR Advantage and what makes them so absorbable and beneficial.

Buy MetaPWR Advantage

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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