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dōTERRA’s Pursuit of Pure Supplements

Driven by Science, Grounded in Nature, and Validated by Testing

A woman taking EO Mega A woman taking EO Mega

The doTERRA Approach to Creating Supplements

Commitment to Purity and Potency

Peppermint leaves

At doTERRA, we believe trustworthy, nourishing supplements are foundational to a healthy lifestyle. We apply the same meticulous standards behind our CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® essential oils to our supplement creation process, prioritizing purity, potency and efficiency. Our commitment is to continue to innovate and evolve. For us, purity is not a single destination, but an ongoing pursuit.

What’s the First Step in Creating High-Quality Supplements?

Uncompromising Ingredient Quality

Similar to adulteration in essential oils, some supplements on the market today may include harmful or hidden ingredients, or ingredients derived from low quality raw materials.

Our pursuit of supplement purity begins with extensive research of raw materials to ensure the ingredients we select not only support our product benefits, but also align with our CPTG® standards. We partner with ingredient suppliers all around the world to source the highest quality ingredients for our supplements. Our raw ingredients undergo extensive testing and documentation to confirm things like source identity and safety.

What’s the Second Step in Creating High-Quality Supplements?

Responsible Formulation

After extensive ingredient research and sourcing, our team carefully formulates each doTERRA supplement ingredient deck to develop a product that supports our desired product claims and CPTG standards. Each ingredient serves a specific purpose, and we are continually working to eliminate things such as maltodextrin, carrageenan, seed oils, and other known allergens. We understand some manufacturing aids, or excipients, found in supplements within the broader market place can raise concerns. Part of our commitment to supplement purity is a continuation of our ingredient elimination process through ongoing evaluation of our existing formulas, including dedicated efforts to keep any necessary manufacturing excipients to the minimum amount required to produce a consistent, quality product.

What’s the Third Step in Creating High-Quality Supplements?

Uncompromising Manufacturing Quality

Our quality journey continues with selecting key manufacturing partners who help us offer our pure and potent supplements in a variety of dose formats. These dose formats include options such as vegetable capsules, dual and microencapsulated capsules, vegetarian softgels, and enteric coated softgels Each dose format is designed to help maximize the benefits of our CPTG oils and other ingredients to support your health and wellness.

Our ability to offer these delivery formats is made possible by our strategic manufacturing partnerships around the world. We have established a gold standard supplier qualification process and partner with manufacturers who exemplify excellence in their manufacturing and quality systems, as evidenced by registration and certification from standard organizations such as FDA, ISO, NSF, TGA, and others. Onsite audits, pre-qualifications, and foreign supplier verification allow us to manage both the quality of our raw materials and manufacturing processes. In addition to our initial qualification process, we have established an ongoing monitoring process to ensure our standards continue to be met.

A scientist testing essential oil purity

What’s the Fourth Step in Creating High-Quality Supplements?

Begin Again

Since launching our Lifelong Vitality Pack supplements in 2009 we have continued to evaluate and reformulate ingredient decks of these and other supplements as needed in order to continue our pursuit of purity. We are committed to sourcing the best and partnering with the best in order to provide safe and effective health and wellness supplements.

What Testing Does doTERRA Perform on Supplements?

Rigorous Testing

A scientist testing essential oil purity

Transparency and trust are the cornerstones of our quality assurance process. Our third party and internal tests are performed by scientific experts, guaranteeing an unbiased assessment. doTERRA supplements undergo a series of rigorous tests to verify their purity and potency. Which tests are performed may vary depending on the specific product, but our commitment to quality is consistent across our supplement offering.

  • Functional food sensory organoleptic testing ensures ingredients smell, taste, and look right, often serving as the first line of quality assurance.
  • Spectrometry analysis identifies the molecular composition, proving the absence of contaminants and the presence of beneficial compounds.
  • Microbial testing tests for harmful bacteria, yeast, and mold.
  • Heavy metal testing checks for lead, arsenic, mercury, and other heavy metals.
  • Potency verification confirms the nutrient levels in doTERRA supplements meet or exceed our labeled claims, supporting their efficacy.
  • Stability testing determines shelf life and expiration dates.
  • Allergen testing ensures applicable products are free of dairy, soy, gluten, peanuts, corn, and other common allergens.
  • Prohibitive substance testing verifies the supplements contain no substances listed in the World Anti-Doping Code.
  • Content assurance determines whether a product is kosher, halal, or vegan.
  • Health claim verification gathers replicable evidence for qualified health claims through double-blind, controlled placebo clinical trials.
  • Epigenetic and genome testing explores the effects doTERRA supplements may have on gene expression.
  • Packaging compatibility testing ensures packaging is both shipping-friendly and appealing.

How Can doTERRA Really Promise Pure Supplements?

Setting the Bar

Our CPTG standard does more than just ensure our supplements meet required benchmarks. It represents our dedication to providing supplements you can trust to be safe, pure, and effective. It also represents our pursuit of purity and our commitment to continued research and innovation to ensure we are providing industry leading supplements and wellness products you can trust.

Because we go above and beyond to test and produce safe, useful supplements, you know your doTERRA supplements are truly pure.

Educated Empowerment

We believe in empowering our customers with knowledge. We educate and inspire confidence in the choices you make for your health through transparent communication about our sourcing, testing, and production practices.

doTERRA supplement creation is driven by science, grounded in nature, and validated by rigorous testing. We’re dedicated to delivering products that support your wellness journey every step of the way.

Quality Assurance

The doTERRA commitment to quality is upheld by our dedicated Quality Assurance team. Through regular audits per Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), doTERRA assesses its suppliers across multiple critical dimensions, including personnel qualifications, facility hygiene, equipment upkeep, documentation accuracy, and overall quality management systems.

From raw materials to the final product, the Quality Assurance team’s objective is to ensure product safety, efficacy, and compliance, reinforcing our dedication to customer well-being.

State-of-the-Art doTERRA Facilities

Go inside these incredible doTERRA facilities to see how our commitment to doing things the right way helps produce pure products you can trust.

A scientist testing essential oil purity

More Resources

Support Your Health with doTERRA Supplements

Proper nutrition is key to living a healthy life, but modern diets often fall short. Luckily, doTERRA offers a range of supplements to help fill the gaps. In this ebook, you’ll discover how these supplements can promote whole-body wellness and support a healthy lifestyle.*

Supplements Explained eBook

Support Your Digestive Health with Supplements*

Your digestive health has a major impact on the rest of your body. Did you know doTERRA offers 10 supplements designed to promote healthy digestion?* Learn how you can add them to your routine.

Support Your Digestion

Support Your Cells with Supplements*

doTERRA has three specialized supplements designed to support your cells.* From protecting cellular DNA from free radical damage to boosting cellular energy, these supplements serve as perfect additions to your daily regimen.*

Support Your Cells

What Are Essential Oil Softgels?

Using essential oils internally is a fantastic way to experience their benefits. Softgel supplements provide an easy way to take essential oils internally. Find out more about the essential oil softgels doTERRA offers and how you can make them part of your wellness routine.

Learn More about Softgels

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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