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Episode 238: Meet Our BOGO Oils!

In this special episode we highlight the oils in our BOGO Promotion! We'll tell you about the fascinating history of these plants and talk to Pam Tanimura, Natalie Carson, and Christian Risenmay about how they love to use the oils. You can get the BOGO Box and get all the incredible deals or find out the deal of the day. You can even enroll using the BOGO Box!

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doTERRA: Welcome to a special episode of Essential Oil Solutions with doTERRA. Right now, is one of the most exciting times we have at doTERRA, it’s BOGO time!

To help get you excited for this amazing week let’s look at some of the oils inside of the BOGO box. We’ll talk about some of the fantastic history of the plants, and we’ll ask some of our Wellness Advocates, Pam Tanimura, Natalie Carson, and Christian Risenmay about how they love to use the oils. If you're interested in any of the products we talk about today, make sure to click on the link in the episode description.

This episode is brought to you by the MetaPWR System. Are you ready to make some lasting changes this year? Let the MetaPWR System and the 30-day MetaPWR Metabolic Health Challenge help.

Right now, as a podcast exclusive if you buy the MetaPWR System and enter the promo code SUPPORT at checkout, we’ll send you an exclusive audiobook, 30-Day MetaPWR Metabolic Health Challenge.

This audiobook will walk you through 30 days of simple, step-by-step lessons and daily challenges focused on nutrition, digestion, movement, and metabolism. Check out the link in our episode description or visit to learn more. Open to US orders only.

Today we’re going to talk about some internal historical uses for some of these plants, but we want to remind you that not all of these oils and blends are for internal use and should only be used aromatically or topically.

Any internal benefits discussed for the individual oils in the blend are not applicable to aromatic or topical use. Also, various plant parts, such as the leaves, bark, flower, stem, fruit, peel, bud, resin, etc., were often used for many different practices and benefits. These historical uses are mentioned here to offer insight as we explore the history of oils and plants. As such, these ancient uses are solely for informational purposes, and are not being advocated or recommended by doTERRA. Proceed at your own risk with such uses.


The history of lavender goes back some 2,500 years. Believed to have originated from the Mediterranean, Middle East and India, lavender is a flowering plant from the mint family, known for its beauty, its sweet floral fragrance and its multiple uses.

In medieval and Renaissance Europe, washerwoman were known as lavenders because they spread their laundry over lavender bushes to dry for the scent that it gave. And royalty is known to have used lavender for the bath.

Beyond lavender being a favorite ingredient in herbal baths of both the Greek and the Romans, they also discovered its wellness properties. Both the flowers and leaves are used in traditional wellness practices.

Lavender also has a long history of being associated with love. This association extends from Cleopatra to modern times. Cleopatra is said to have used lavender to seduce both Mark Antony and Julius Caesar.

Lavender has also been popular among royalty throughout history. Queen Elizabeth, the first of England, had fresh lavender in vases at her table every day. Charles VI of France insisted that his pillow always contain lavender and Louis XIV loved bathing in lavender scented water.

Pam, thank you so much for joining us today. What is your favorite way to use Lavender at night?

Pam Tanimura: Lavender is one of the most used oils here at home, especially with the kids. And our routine at nighttime is to apply Lavender on the bottoms of the feet and the children they know already to put a few drops of Lavender in their diffuser and put it to work before bedtime. So, that created a nice routine for us at night and a very tender moment as a family that didn't exist before, now it does. And of course, we do read books and all of that. But I think just having the chance to touch their feet and they touch our feet and have that exchange is super sweet.

Another cool thing that I love to do with Lavender is to apply on my face and great for the skin to calm the skin. But also, we live in Hawaii, so there's a lot of sun, right? And I like to pair it with Vetiver. So, my mix, my one of my favorite mixes to apply on my skin is Vetiver and Lavender and Juniper Berry.

So that combination at nighttime gives just enough moisture. Also, the Lavender calms the skin. So, that's a perfect trio right there for me at nighttime. Also knowing about Lavender, I love to add one drop in warm water with a tidbit of raw honey and that helps me sleep better through the night. So that's a little trick I learned when I was doing my holistic nutrition certificate and the raw. It has to be raw, honey.

So, the raw honey works for us to be able to keep a sleep at night, to go into deep sleep. So, I love doing that with the Lavender on top of tasting. So yummy.

German Chamomile in Serenity Sleep Softgels

doTERRA: One of the beautiful components of our Serenity Sleep Softgels is German Chamomile, which is also known as blue chamomile, Hungarian chamomile, wild chamomile, or scented may weed. The flowers contain a blue essential oil that gives them their characteristic smell and interesting properties. Just like Blue Tansy, the blue characteristic of the oil is an attribute of the chamazulene it contains, and it explains why the plant is also known as Blue Chamomile.

The Latin name of blue chamomile is Matricaria chamomilla. In Latin, one of the meanings of matrix is womb, the name Matricaria was given to the genus, most likely because of the plant's use in the traditional wellness practices of women. Blue Chamomile is native to Europe, North Africa and some parts of Asia and is closely related to the Roman chamomile. Chamomile has been well known throughout Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

Its popularity grew through the Middle Ages when it became highly valued in traditional wellness practices. And past the Middle Ages, chamomile is one of the most popular wellness herbs in Mexican and Puerto Rican cultures today.

Natalie, thank you so much for being here. How do you like to use the Serenity Softgels in your sleep routine?

Natalie Carson: The other night I was laying in bed and feeling a little overwhelmed and restless. I was tossing and turning, moving every which way to try to get some sleep. I'm a mom of three, so I am always thinking about things that need to get done the next day. And what I did was I took a Serenity Softgel. I was out like a light and I woke up feeling rested, but not groggy. So, since then, what I do is put my Serenity Softgels right by my bed with a big, tall glass of water.

And so the next time I'm feeling like I can't sleep, I'll take one Serenity Softgel. And if I really feel I need an extra boost, I'll take two. I love that I have something natural that I can take that will help my brain stop spinning so much and give me the rest that I need. And then I wake up feeling refreshed and energized for the day. So, thank God for these amazing natural supplements that helped me so much.


doTERRA: Spearmint goes by many names, including Lamb's Mint and Our Lady's Mint. Historians have found mentions of spearmint that date back to at least the first century AD with references from the naturalist Pliny, as well as mentions in the Bible. John Gerard, an English botanist, mentioned Spearmint in his 1597 book Herbal, where he says that "the smell rejoiced the heart of man, for which cause they used to strew it in chambers and places of recreation, pleasure and repose where feasts and banquets are made."

Spearmint is native to the Mediterranean and has long been known as an herb of hospitality. When we look at the symbolism of plants, spearmint conveys a sense of wisdom. One thing that has continually drawn people to spearmint is the smell. When grown in damp soil, the fragrance intensifies. And that's why many farmhouses grew a clump beneath the outdoor water spigot for the fresh scent.

The leaves smell of lemon and of mint. And there is advice given to hang bunches of spearmint from open doors or archways. Mint tied to screen doors sends cool odors throughout the house.

Christian, thank you for sitting down with us. How do you like to use Spearmint to support a healthy digestive system?

Christian Risenmay: Spearmint is awesome. It's actually a really good, it's great for speaking public speaking, speaking what you're trying to say, get your message across. But as for digestion, I've used it in SuperMint more than I've used it in actual Spearmint or Spearmint is in the SuperMint blend, and using it in that way has helped me so much to help aid in the occasional, you know, upset stomach and just helping so much with with issues there. So, taking that also internally. So, a drink of water is great. Taking it in an empty capsule is amazing. And so those are the ways I'd recommend using it.

Cardamom in DigestZen Touch

doTERRA: Cardamom is one of the most powerful oils in our DigestZen Touch Blend and is considered to be one of the oldest spices in the history of mankind. The use of this spice dates back at least 4000 years. It's thought to have originated in the southwest area of India, but was used in many different ancient cultures. It's been used as trade by the Indians for at least 2000 years, and even before then you'll find mention of it in some historical Indian texts.

Some of these writings date back to the fourth century BC, where it's documented as being used for flavorings and wellness purposes as well as religious offerings. Ancient Egyptians used cardamom for a variety of wellness purposes as part of rituals and even for embalming. They even chewed on cardamom pods as a way to help keep their breath fresh.

The ancient Greeks and Romans mainly utilized cardamom for its pungent aroma. It was a main ingredient in many perfumes and aromatic oils. Vikings first discovered the spice during their travels and brought it back to Scandinavia, where it remains a very popular spice in many Scandinavian recipes such as mulled wine and glogg and is used in all types of sweet pastry and bread dishes in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine.

Cardamom is a very popular spice in curries and is generally one of the spices used in their typical spice blends.

Pam, how do you like to incorporate, DigestZen Touch into your routine?

Pam: DigestZen touch we use here. But I learned, especially with my little one, The DigestZen I apply around his belly button and I see it working, so it gives him relief. And that's one of our go-tos every time. And the touch line is so convenient because it already comes diluted with the Fractionated Coconut Oil. So, it's perfect, ready to go. And the kids, they love using it on themselves, so it's safe enough for them to have it in their backpack.

So, that's one of the tricks that I learned and the beauty of understanding when the essential oils work and you end up getting this side benefits from things that you didn't imagine that it could be right. I love the way that nature and man can work symbiotically, and I see this flow of working together with nature in such a convenient way, as with essential oils.


doTERRA: The woody sweet aroma of Cedarwood is one that brings memories of a densely wooded forest, birds chirping and the warm feeling of dappled sunlight. Now the tree you're imagining, the one you know as cedarwood or the eastern red cedar is actually not a cedar at all. It's a juniper. Other names for the tree include Red Cedar, Virginian Juniper, Eastern, Juniper, red, Juniper, pencil cedar and aromatic cedar.

Cedarwood is a strong, resilient tree. It's able to withstand extreme climates and can tolerate most soil types. It's also what's known as a pioneer species. A pioneer species means that it's one of the first species to return to a cleared, eroded or otherwise damaged land. Among the pioneer species, it's one that is unusually long lived with the potential to live over 900 years. In fact, the oldest Cedarwood tree reported was in West Virginia and was 940 years old.

Traditionally, among many Native American cultures, the smoke of the burning cedarwood is used to drive away evil spirits prior to conducting certain ceremonies. For numerous tribes, the red cedar tree symbolizes the tree of life and is burned in sweat lodges and in purification rites. The ancient Egyptians also incorporated cedarwood into their embalming rituals, rubbing the precious cedar resin onto the body to prepare it for burial.

Among the Phoenicians and Assyrians, cedarwood was even used to build fleets of ships. In Scotland, cedarwood is traditionally smudged like you would do with sage on Hogmanay or, as you know it, New Years, to prepare for the coming year. Finally, the fragrant, calming smoke when the wood burns is believed to allay nightmares, hauntings, malevolent influences and ill meaning wild animals.

Natalie. How do you like to use Cedarwood in your daily wind down?

Natalie: So, any of my friends out there that feel that they just can't stop and be still, use Cedarwood. Okay? This is how I love to use it when I'm feeling a little, you know, kind of crazy. I will just take off the lid and take a deep inhale. I also love to put a drop in my hands, rub my hands together and take some deep inhalations. I'll breathe in for the count of four as I'm breathing in that Cedarwood. And sometimes I'll even say things like peace, love, gratitude, light, and then I'll just exhale.

And I'll do that a few times and those deep breaths come. But then that Cedarwood is going to help me ground and feel rooted just like a tree. I also love to put it on my wrist and I like to put it on the bottoms of my feet. So, if you smell Cedarwood and you don't love it, I mean, I think it smells like a great big hug, but if you don't like the smell of it, but you know you need it, you can just stick it right on the bottoms of your feet, put on your shoes for the day. And when I use any tree or wood oils, put a drop in my hands, rub my hands together and take those deep inhalations and just breathe out because I know I feel rooted and grounded with the amazing Cedarwood essential oil.


doTERRA: The woody warm aroma of vetiver instinctively makes you want to take a big, deep breath. Vetiver is a holy herb that has its name etched on the oldest sacred book of the Hindus known as the Bhagavad Gita, where it says, "I am the fragrance of the soil." Vetiver has had a long and storied history. In India, mats weaved with vetiver roots are trusted to cool, protect and refresh their homes during the scorching summer season. Additionally, gods and idols in India are honored with garlands made of vetiver grass.

In African countries where vetiver grows, the grass is used in making roof thatches, as well as making rugs, baskets and certain other parts of their homes. The sweet woody, earthy and reviving fragrance of vetiver creates an atmosphere of confidence. And since the Middle Ages vetiver has been commonly used in scents.

Vetiver is also a staple in many Ayurvedic practices. The historical practices and wellness values of vetiver have made it a principal part of the Ayurvedic massage therapy.

Pam, How do you like to incorporate Vetiver into your nightly routine?

Pam: Another use of Vetiver at nighttime, combining with Lavender. Vetiver and Lavender is incredible, especially for the children. And the diffusing of Lavender and Vetiver is heavenly. So, I do three drops of Vetiver and five drops of Lavender. And the scent is incredible.

Cinnamon in MetaPWR Essential Oil

doTERRA: When you reach in your cupboard and pull out the powdered cinnamon, you might never imagine that cinnamon was once more valuable than gold. And it plays a vital role in our MetaPWR Essential Oil blend.

In the Middle Ages, Cinnamon was transported via cumbersome land routes in the Middle East, resulting in a limited, expensive supply that made the use of cinnamon a status symbol in Europe.

Legend holds that the Roman Emperor Nero burned as much cinnamon as he could find on the funeral pyre of his second wife, Poppaea Sabina, in 65. Ad in order to atone for his role in her death.

To maintain their monopoly on the cinnamon trade and justify its exorbitant prices, traders would weave colorful tales for their buyers about where and how they obtained the luxury spice.

One such story, related by the Greek historian Herodotus, said that enormous birds carried the cinnamon sticks to their nests perched high atop mountains that were insurmountable by any human. According to the story, people would leave large pieces of ox meat below the nest for the bird to collect. When the birds brought the meat into the nest, its weight would cause the nest to fall to the ground, allowing the cinnamon sticks stored within to be collected.

Another tall tale reported that the cinnamon was found in deep canyons guarded by terrifying snakes. And first century Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder proposed that cinnamon came from Ethiopia, carried on rafts with no oars or sails powered by "man alone, and his courage."

Today, we don't have to make up any kind of story to recognize that cinnamon holds great value in our lives.

Christian, what is your favorite way to use the meta power oil?

Christian: Yeah. My favorite way of using MetaPWR Essential Oil is definitely taking it internally. You know, it may support healthy weight and, you know, healthy metabolic function and everything, but even for myself where I haven't had any, I feel like I have healthy weight and everything. But what's been so useful for me is I've seen so much healthier skin. Like I feel so much cleaner, feel so much better. It's usually if I, you know, if I don't take an essential oil internally, especially as citrus oil or MetaPWR, which has such great uses, I feel kind of lethargic but this just helps me feel clean and good and ready throughout the day. I love, love using MetaPWR internally, 100% wonderful.

doTERRA: Thank you to our Wellness Advocates for joining us today and sharing with us their tips and tricks on how to use some of the amazing products in our BOGO box.

Thanks for joining us and congratulations on living a healthier lifestyle with essential oils. If you want to try any of the products you learned about, click on the link in the episode description or find a Wellness Advocate near you to place an order today. And remember, if you liked what you heard today rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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