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doTERRA Research

Why Research Matters

At doTERRA, we believe the heart of innovation lies in rigorous research. By conducting and supporting comprehensive studies, we strive to uncover and understand the intricate mysteries of essential oils.

This relentless pursuit for knowledge helps us make safe and effective products, placing doTERRA at the forefront of essential oil research in an industry where knowledge is power.

doTERRA collaborates with top scientists and institutions globally. We employ state-of-the-art technologies and innovative methodologies to really dive into essential oil science. Our goal is to foster a deeper understanding of and appreciation for nature’s potency and always use the gifts of the earth safely and correctly.

Our commitment to both nature and science sets doTERRA apart, helping us pave the way for the promising future of essential oils.

Learn more about our commitment to research by clicking on any of the resources below.

A Closer Look at Groundbreaking doTERRA Research

Did you know daily use of essential oils may have long-term effects, even fundamentally changing who you are? Using the BioSeek® and BioMap® platforms, doTERRA scientists used molecular biology to observe how doTERRA essential oils may influence protein expression—the molecules responsible for almost all cellular action.

While this experimental and preclinical research is still in its beginning phases, some evidence suggests essential oil use may offer positive epigenetic effects.

Read more about epigenetic research here!

Additional doTERRA Research

doTERRA Serenity® Sleep System Epigenetic Research

In this study participants wore a fitness tracker that collected participants’ sleep times and amounts of light sleep, REM sleep, and deep sleep, providing a “sleep score" with and without using the Serenity Sleep System.

doTERRA MetaPWR® Assist Clinical Trial Results

This MetaPWR Assist study is a beacon of hope in the quest for optimal metabolic health. It unveils the promising role of MetaPWR Assist in supporting wellness goals and highlights the dedication of doTERRA to product efficacy and scientific integrity.*

doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack® Clinical Trial

The doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack study provides a window into the myriad benefits this product offers for overall health, demonstrating the synergy of its unique ingredients.*

doTERRA Oregano Essential Oil Study

This article sheds light on the diverse applications of Oregano essential oil, as well as its potential to support cellular health and proper immune function when used internally.*

Peppermint Softgels in PDR Assets

The inclusion of Peppermint Softgels in the Physician’s Desk Reference underscores their researched benefits, particularly for digestive health.* It marks a significant milestone in doTERRA product validation.

doTERRA Clove Essential Oil Study

The extensive research conducted on Clove essential oil examines its health benefits and applications when consumed.* This study is a testament to our relentless pursuit of knowledge in the essential oil field.

doTERRA AromaTouch® Technique Study

This AromaTouch Technique study reveals the technique’s profound impact on stress reduction and relaxation. This research harmoniously blends scientific inquiry with holistic wellness practices.

AromaTouch Hand Technique Study

This human clinical trial explored the effectiveness of the AromaTouch Hand Technique, exemplifying our innovative approach to aromatic experiences and meaningful touch.

doTERRA Frankincense Essential Oil Study

This study unveils the historical and modern significance of Frankincense essential oil, highlighting its myriad of potential internal health benefits and bridging the gap between tradition and science.*

doTERRA On Guard® Study

This study investigated the role doTERRA On Guard can play in supporting immune health when taken internally, underscoring our commitment to create blends that are both effective and scientifically validated.*

Explore the World of Essential Oil Science with doTERRA

We invite you to immerse yourself in this fascinating essential oil research. Each study is a window into the meticulous care and scientific rigor doTERRA applies to every product.

Through our investigations, we continue to uphold our promise of purity, potency, and transparency. Join us on our journey of discovery, experiencing the doTERRA difference—where nature’s wisdom is backed by science.

Science BlogBibliography

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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