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Discover Solutions: Fennel

Fennel Essential Oil

Foeniculum Vulgare

Fennel essential oil is well-known for its digestive benefits and has been used for centuries to promote healthy digestion.* This sweet-smelling oil offers other benefits as well, including metabolic, immune, circulatory, and respiratory support.*


Usage Tips:

  • After overindulging at dinner, take a couple drops in a veggie capsule, water, or under the tongue for digestive support.*
  • Put a drop in water or tea to help fight sweet tooth cravings.*
  • Consider adding a toothpick’s amount to your cooking for its strong, savory anise flavor, while simultaneously taking advantage of the various internal wellness benefits.*
  • Take internally to help ease occasional bloating, stomach upset, or feelings of sluggishness.*

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What Is Fennel Essential Oil Used For?

Fennel essential oil is known for its ability to help digestion, due to its chemical constituent anethole, which offers digestive support. Taken internally, Fennel assists the overall health of the digestive tract.* 

Although it is most recognized for its digestive benefits, Fennel has powerful effects on the whole body.* Experimental studies suggest that the chemical constituents alpha-pinene and anethole in Fennel essential oil may help maintain a healthy immune response when taken internally.* It supports healthy cellular function and overall cellular health when taken internally.* It may also aid metabolic, respiratory, and circulatory functions.* 

What Does Fennel Oil Smell Like?

The aroma of Fennel is peculiarly sweet. The scent and taste are commonly compared to that of licorice. This natural sweetness can be useful for avoiding unhealthy sweets and sugar. Adding a drop or two to a glass of water or healthy juice can help curb cravings.* 

Fennel essential oil is included in two of doTERRA’s proprietary blends. It is contained in ClaryCalm® monthly blend for women, as well as DigestZen® digestive blend. 

Bottle of Fennel essential oil surrounded by fennel seeds. What does Fennel oil smell like? Fennel oil has a sweet aroma and taste that is often compared to that of licorice.

What Is Fennel?

Native to the Mediterranean, fennel has been used since antiquity. Roman warriors were said to have used fennel to strengthen their readiness for battle, and several Eastern and Middle Eastern cultures have long used it in their cuisine. The plant is a perennial herb and can grow to nearly eight feet high. It has small, yellow flowers and delicate, feathery, fragrant leaves, but the essential oil, potent and distinct, is extracted from the seeds. 

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Woman’s hands holding Fennel essential oil bottle and fennel seeds. Can you drink Fennel essential oil? When used in the proper amounts, Fennel oil can be safe to use internally.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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