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Hand holding Tea Tree Touch over their wrist

Tea Tree Touch

Green and Fresh
doTERRA Tea Tree Touch

Tea Tree Touch

Tea Tree Touch is the perfect balance of Tea Tree essential oil and Fractionated Coconut Oil, making it ideal for young and sensitive skin.

Packaged in a convenient and smooth roller bottle, Tea Tree Touch can cleanse the skin and nails and promote a healthy-looking complexion. It’s ideal for soothing occasional skin irritations and using after shaving or on the bottoms of the feet for a cooling effect.

Size: 10 mL
Item: 60208343
Retail: $24.67
Wholesale: $18.50

Tea Tree Touch is the perfect balance of Tea Tree essential oil and Fractionated Coconut Oil, making it ideal for young and sensitive skin.

Packaged in a convenient and smooth roller bottle, Tea Tree Touch can cleanse the skin and nails and promote a healthy-looking complexion. It’s ideal for soothing occasional skin irritations and using after shaving or on the bottoms of the feet for a cooling effect.

Size: 10 mL
Item: 60208343

Primary Benefits

  • Cleanses the skin and nails.
  • Soothes occasional skin irritations.
  • Promotes a healthy-looking complexion.
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Primary Benefits

  • Cleanses the skin and nails.
  • Soothes occasional skin irritations.
  • Promotes a healthy-looking complexion.

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Tea Tree (Melaleuca)

Tea Tree essential oil has over 92 different compounds and an assortment of applications. Learn more about Tea Tree in this video.


  • Apply to skin imperfections for a cleansing, refreshing effect.
  • Use on occasional skin irritations.
  • Apply after shaving to soothe and cool the skin.
  • Roll on the bottoms of the feet and inside your shoes for a fresh aroma and feeling.

Directions For Use

Topical use: Apply to the desired area—no dilution required.

See additional precautions below.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you’re pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

Tea Tree Touch over a bowl with moss and rocks


  • Apply to skin imperfections for a cleansing, refreshing effect.
  • Use on occasional skin irritations.
  • Apply after shaving to soothe and cool the skin.
  • Roll on the bottoms of the feet and inside your shoes for a fresh aroma and feeling.

Directions For Use

Topical use: Apply to the desired area—no dilution required.

See additional precautions below.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you’re pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

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Más sobre el Árbol del Té Tópico de doTERRA

Obtén más información sobre lo que hace que el Árbol de Té sea uno de nuestros productos favoritos.

Descubre Soluciones: Árbol de Té Tópico

Árbol de Té Tópico brinda los poderosos beneficios del aceite esencial de Árbol de Té en una botella giratoria simple y fácil de usar. Además, ha sido prediluido con aceite de coco fraccionado, lo que aumenta la absorción en la piel.

Episodio 117: Promoción de la Salud Digestiva y una Mirada Especial al Árbol del Té

Discutimos cómo puedes mostrar algo de amor a tu intestino y apoyar un sistema digestivo saludable. Además, nos sumergimos en la historia del aceite esencial Árbol de Té. Recuerda, el aceite esencial de Árbol de Té es solo para uso externo.

Source to You®: Árbol de Té

El Árbol del Té es originario de Australia. Prospera en condiciones soleadas y suelo húmedo. En Australia, el Árbol del Té crece durante la primavera, el verano y el otoño.

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