Origen: un derivado latino. Significado "regalo de la tierra."
Nuestros productos de aceites esenciales de CPTG Probado y Certificado como Puro y de Calidad™ ofrecen soluciones naturales para usted y sus seres queridos. Con una fuente de abastecimiento responsable y sostenible, nuestra misión es mejorar la vida de toda su familia y las familias de todo el mundo con cada compra de doTERRA.
¿Buscas disponibilidad de productos?
Check out some of the best doTERRA hair DIYs, and learn how to use the best essential oils for hair.
March 27, 2023
Refresh your kitchen with these Garbage Disposal Refreshers made with essential oils.
January 25, 2023
For ideas on how to work essential oils into your cleaning regimen, take a look at some of doTERRA’s best essential oil cleaning DIYs
November 1, 2022
To find new ways to pamper your skin, take a look at some of doTERRA’s best skin DIYs from the product blog.
Are you looking for a new DIY but aren’t sure where to start?
July 8, 2022
Despierta tus sentidos con los aromas brillantes y vivos de Citrus Bloom™ y Pimienta Rosa.
June 8, 2022
Each doTERRA essential oil can be used in many different ways. Take a minute to discover the innovative uses for doTERRA products, and why they are so loved.