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Science Blog / Research

From Idea to Human Trials: How Supplement Research Works

Learn about how doTERRA tests its products to show their safety and effectiveness through research and trials.
Science Blog / Research

Powerful Allies: Targeted Solutions for Relief and Healthy Inflammatory Response

Learn about five doTERRA products that can help support a healthy inflammatory response and provide relief including superstars Copaiba and Frankincense Boswellic Complex.
Science Blog / Research

doTERRA Serenity® Sleep System Epigenetic Research

Research shows the time you spend sleeping is crucial to brain function, emotional well-being, and other vital health areas. The doTERRA Serenity Sleep System has been proven both safe for and effective at supporting sleep.
Science Blog / Research

Lavender and Tea Tree: Dispelling Myths about Gynecomastia

In recent years, concerns have risen among parents regarding lavender and tea tree essential oils and their possible connection to gynecomastia.
Science Blog / Chemistry & Usage

Big Changes Start with Micro Steps

. When you support a healthy microbiome, your body becomes much better at determining which bacterias are good and bad.
Science Blog / Chemistry & Usage

5 Reasons to Wear Sunscreen Every Day

Wearing sunscreen on a daily basis can not only protect your skin from the sun, but it is one of the best-kept secrets for anti-aging.
Science Blog / Chemistry & Usage

doTERRA MetaPWR® Metabolic Blend and Fat Cells

While developing MetaPWR Metabolic Blend, we conducted a preclinical study



