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Microplex VMz

Food Nutrient Complex
Microplex VMz

全方位綜合維生素 Microplex VMz®

現在顯而易見的是,美國和其他发达國家的飲食都足以提供人體所需甚至過高的熱量,但有越來越多的證據顯示,儘管食物份量增加,對健康有益的營養卻攝取不足。加工過度、熱量高、營養成份低的食物是導致肥胖的威脅,同時也讓我們漸漸流失維生素、礦物質和其他重要營養素。美國醫學協會近期也提及應慎重使用營養補給品,“且認為雖然缺乏維生素的臨床症狀在西方國家並不常見,但是攝取不均的情況則正好相反。”(Journal of the American Medical Association美國醫學協會雜誌,2002年6月19日)。

全方位綜合維生素能提供食物營養素中對細胞生長、運作和維護來說不可或缺的所有維生素和礦物質*。它擁有均衡的抗氧化維生素A、C、E,和一種由 B 族維生素和 20 微克維生素 D 組成的能量複合物。* 它還含有促進新陳代謝的重要螯合礦物質和必需的骨骼營養素鈣、鎂和鋅。*


成人每日4顆植物性膠囊,进餐时服用。全方位綜合維生素建議搭配賦活植物精華(Alpha CRS+)和菁萃能量魚油(xEO Mega )一同服用。(與菁萃能量魚油內的脂肪酸能幫助全方位綜合維生素內脂溶性維生素的吸收。)

容量: 120 顆植物膠囊
產品編號: 60213169
Can be used internally
零售價: $65.33
會員價: $49.00

現在顯而易見的是,美國和其他发达國家的飲食都足以提供人體所需甚至過高的熱量,但有越來越多的證據顯示,儘管食物份量增加,對健康有益的營養卻攝取不足。加工過度、熱量高、營養成份低的食物是導致肥胖的威脅,同時也讓我們漸漸流失維生素、礦物質和其他重要營養素。美國醫學協會近期也提及應慎重使用營養補給品,“且認為雖然缺乏維生素的臨床症狀在西方國家並不常見,但是攝取不均的情況則正好相反。”(Journal of the American Medical Association美國醫學協會雜誌,2002年6月19日)。

全方位綜合維生素能提供食物營養素中對細胞生長、運作和維護來說不可或缺的所有維生素和礦物質*。它擁有均衡的抗氧化維生素A、C、E,和一種由 B 族維生素和 20 微克維生素 D 組成的能量複合物。* 它還含有促進新陳代謝的重要螯合礦物質和必需的骨骼營養素鈣、鎂和鋅。*


成人每日4顆植物性膠囊,进餐时服用。全方位綜合維生素建議搭配賦活植物精華(Alpha CRS+)和菁萃能量魚油(xEO Mega )一同服用。(與菁萃能量魚油內的脂肪酸能幫助全方位綜合維生素內脂溶性維生素的吸收。)

容量: 120 顆植物膠囊
產品編號: 60213169
Can be used internally


  • 提供22種基本維生素與礦物質,能幫助人體細胞生長、運作與維護*
  • 含抗氧化維生素A、C、E,能幫助對抗自由基*
  • 能幫助新陳代謝與加強細胞能量*
  • 含鈣、鎂、鋅和維生素D,能促進骨骼健康*
  • 支持免疫力*
  • 幫助消化*
  • 能將攝入之基本營養素轉作為人體組織所需之活力及健康來源*
  • B9的甲基化形态
  • 擁有均衡的抗氧化維生素A、C、E、能補充能量的B群;並以專利的醣蛋白基質配方呈現,加強人體吸收*
  • 含鈣、鎂、鋅、硒、銅、錳、鉻等多種易吸收礦物質
  • 含萃取自甘藍、蒲公英、巴西里、海藻、綠花椰、高麗菜、球芽甘藍、菠菜之天然草本精萃
  • 含蛋白酶、乳糖酶、脂肪酶、澱粉酶、α半乳糖苷酶、澱粉消化酶、葡萄糖澱粉酶和肽酶等消化酵素
  • 含有生育三烯醇與各種天然維生素E
  • 含有薄荷、生薑和茴香,能舒緩腸胃的dōTERRA樂活複方精油
  • 以不含十二烷基硫酸鈉(sodium lauryl sulfate)的植物性膠囊製成
  • 產品之特殊配方特別適合每日與賦活植物精華(Alpha CRS®+)和菁萃能量魚油(xEO Mega)搭配使用,做為增進活力與健康的完整膳食補給基底*
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  • 提供22種基本維生素與礦物質,能幫助人體細胞生長、運作與維護*
  • 含抗氧化維生素A、C、E,能幫助對抗自由基*
  • 能幫助新陳代謝與加強細胞能量*
  • 含鈣、鎂、鋅和維生素D,能促進骨骼健康*
  • 支持免疫力*
  • 幫助消化*
  • 能將攝入之基本營養素轉作為人體組織所需之活力及健康來源*
  • B9的甲基化形态
  • 擁有均衡的抗氧化維生素A、C、E、能補充能量的B群;並以專利的醣蛋白基質配方呈現,加強人體吸收*
  • 含鈣、鎂、鋅、硒、銅、錳、鉻等多種易吸收礦物質
  • 含萃取自甘藍、蒲公英、巴西里、海藻、綠花椰、高麗菜、球芽甘藍、菠菜之天然草本精萃
  • 含蛋白酶、乳糖酶、脂肪酶、澱粉酶、α半乳糖苷酶、澱粉消化酶、葡萄糖澱粉酶和肽酶等消化酵素
  • 含有生育三烯醇與各種天然維生素E
  • 含有薄荷、生薑和茴香,能舒緩腸胃的dōTERRA樂活複方精油
  • 以不含十二烷基硫酸鈉(sodium lauryl sulfate)的植物性膠囊製成
  • 產品之特殊配方特別適合每日與賦活植物精華(Alpha CRS®+)和菁萃能量魚油(xEO Mega)搭配使用,做為增進活力與健康的完整膳食補給基底*


  • Patented Glycoprotein Matrix
  • Tummy Tamer Blend
Glycoprotein Matrix Ingredient Glycoprotein Matrix Ingredient

Patented Glycoprotein Matrix

Most of the vitamins and minerals absorbed by your body come from the food you eat. Sometimes vitamins and minerals are isolated or synthetically constructed, which may be more difficult for your body to recognize and absorb as food nutrients.

The vitamins in Microplex VMz are delivered in a patented glycoprotein matrix to promote bioavailability. To make a vitamin glycoprotein compound, it’s introduced to a culture of lactobacillus and yeast. As it grows, the yeast metabolizes and binds the vitamin into its protein matrix, making the vitamin more recognizable as food in the digestive process.

Digestion of the vitamins and minerals in Microplex VMz is also enhanced by a blend of digestive enzymes and mineral cofactors that are necessary for proper food nutrient assimilation.*

Tummy Tamer Blend Tummy Tamer Blend

Tummy Tamer Blend

The doTERRA tummy tamer blend of peppermint, ginger, and caraway seed botanical extracts help calm the stomach.*


Daily Nutrition

Watch this video to find out more about daily nutritional support with Microplex VMz.


Adults should take four capsules per day with food.

Microplex VMz is formulated to be taken daily with Alpha CRS+ and xEO Mega. (The fatty acids in xEO Mega will support the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins in Microplex VMz.) All three products can be found in one convenient pack: the doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack®. Save $69 by buying them in the pack.

Microplex VMz Product Image


Adults should take four capsules per day with food.

Microplex VMz is formulated to be taken daily with Alpha CRS+ and xEO Mega. (The fatty acids in xEO Mega will support the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins in Microplex VMz.) All three products can be found in one convenient pack: the doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack®. Save $69 by buying them in the pack.


Deep Dive into Microplex vMZ

There’s so much more to discover about Microplex vMZ! 

More on Microplex VMz

Dive deeper into the importance of vitamins and minerals, as well as how Microplex VMz was made to meet needs that are deficient in modern diets on our product information page (PIP).

The doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack

Microplex VMz is just one part of a trio of supplements called the doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack (LLV). These products are designed to be taken together, so find out all about them below.

Behind Bioavailability

Discover what bioavailability means for you and why the doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack is exceptional when it comes to bioavailability compared to regular supplements.




