Empowerment Bonus

The Empowerment bonus is a part of doTERRA’s compensation plan that is designed to encourage Premier, Silver and Gold ranked leaders to continue on the path to building and solidifying their business. 


What is the Bonus?
The bonus is a pool which pays out shares based on the number of Wellness Advocates who qualify.

How does it work?
doTERRA takes the global volume for the month, and allocates a percentage of volume in different pools to share with qualifying leaders. 1% goes towards the Empowerment Pool which is then paid out to qualifying Premier, Silver and Gold leaders between the 15th and 20th of the month following qualification. 

How do I qualify?
To qualify for the Empowerment Bonus, you need to meet the following criteria;

  1. Wellness Advocate must be hitting the rank of Premier, Silver or Gold at the end of each month
  2. Wellness Advocate must have personally enroled at least one person with a 100PV or higher enrolment order 

What do I need to know?
There are a few key facts you need to know about the Empowerment Bonus;

  • Only one share can be paid per month to a Premier or Silver, regardless of how many 100PV+ personal enrolments you achieve in that month.
  • A leader can earn up to two shares each month based on the number of 100 PV enrolments they achieve. For one 100 PV enrolment, they earn one share. For two 100 PV enrolments, they can earn two shares.
  • The Empowerment Bonus can be earned monthly as long as qualifications are achieved each month
  • Silver will still be paid in the Leadership Pool 

This Pool was introduced by doTERRA to encourage emerging Premier, Silver and Gold leaders with additional income to assist in continuing to build your business. We recognise the incredible amount of hard work you all put in to your doTERRA business and doTERRA wants to reward you for your effort!

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