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Peppermint Softgels in the Prescribers’ Digital Reference


The Prescribers’ Digital Reference (PDR) is a drug and supplement reference guide for physicians and other medical professionals. Recently, Peppermint Softgels were added to PDR.

Pepper Seegmiller, doTERRA supplements product manager, said, “It’s a big deal to have the science back this product up and get it added to the PDR. It’s a more rigorous process than most people think, and it’s something doTERRA is proud of.”

Alex DaBell, Director of Nutriceuticals, elaborates on the exciting addition about PDR and Peppermint softgels in the following video.

Peppermint Softgels contain CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade™ Peppermint essential oil in an enteric-coated softgel that provides digestive relief to the lower intestine.* The enteric coating is essential, as it helps the Peppermint—which is the active ingredient—pass through the stomach safely to reach the small intestine, where it’s most effective.

When taken internally, Peppermint essential oil has clinically demonstrated its ability to help ease and relax gastrointestinal muscles and calm the stomach and intestinal tract.* And, as stated in PDR, “doTERRA Peppermint Softgels help support the digestive system, alleviate occasional intestinal discomfort, and reduce gas and bloating.*”

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