Incentive Trip Points & Eligibility

Ways to Earn Points

Earn points when you enrol a new wholesale customers or Wellness Advocates 
Earn additional points when you get them on the LRP 

Personal Rank Advancements 
Earn points from advancing in rank Director+ 

Max Rank Retention
Earn points for re-hitting your highest paid rank 

Personally Enrolled Team Rank Advancements
Earn points when a personally enrolled team member rank advances  

Personally Enrolled 1st time Enrolment
Earn points when your personally enrolled member gets their 1st enrollment

Silver Club
Earn points from being a participant and a mentor


How to Qualify

To secure your spot on this unforgettable trip, you'll need to earn a minimum of 275 Points between 1 July 2024 and 31 January 2025. The top achievers will WIN a spot on the trip.


How to Earn Points

SADC Enrolments - Points are awarded as follows for personal in the South Africa and SADC Region (Southern African Development Community)

  • 100 PV+ Enrollment = 8 points
  • 50-99 PV Enrollment = 3 points
  • Getting those new SADC Enrollments on LRP with 100 PV or more = 5 points
  • Getting those new SADC Enrollments on LRP with 50-99 PV = 1 point

Achievement Enrolment Month LRP Month 1 LRP Month 2 Total
Personal Enrolment 3 or 8 points 1 or 5 points 1 or 5 points 5-18 points

These points must be earned in a consecutive three-month period. However, if the second month is skipped, you can still earn points in the third month.

Points will be earned for all enrollments starting July 1st, 2024. You will not be able to earn second or third month points off of someone who enrolled in May or June 2024.

Personal Rank Advancement for Director +

When you advance in rank, you’ll be awarded points as follows for each rank:

Rank Points
Director 2
Executive 4
Elite 6
Premier 10
Silver 20
Gold 30
Platinum 40
Diamond 50
Blue Diamond 100


Personal Max Rank Retention Executive +

Returning to your highest rank of Executive or higher also rewards you with points.

Rank Points
Executive 2
Elite 3
Premier 5
Silver 10
Gold 10
Platinum 20
Diamond 20


Personally Enrolled Team Members Rank Advancement Executive+

When the members you've personally enrolled advance in rank to Executive or higher, you receive 5 Points for each rank advancement. If the new person that you enrolled reaches Executive or higher, you will receive 5 Points.

Silver Club Point Participation

You can earn Silver Club points as either a participant or a mentor in the 2024 season. To earn points in either category, you must achieve the monthly requirements during the current active months.

Silver Club Participant – Met monthly requirements - Month 1, month 2, month 3 = 10 points for each month

Silver Club Mentor – Participant met monthly requirements - Month 1, month 2, month 3 = 2 points for each month

Achievement Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Total
Silver Club Participant 10 points 10 points 10 points 30 points
Silver Club Mentor 2 points 2 points 2 points 6 points

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