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Wild Orange French Toast and Buttermilk Syrup


Classic French toast is made even better with the use of Wild Orange oil.

1 24-inch soft baguette or bread of choice
1 cup cracked eggs
1 cup heavy cream or 1 cup almond milk
1 teasopoon salt
6 drops Wild Orange oil

Buttermilk Syrup
¾ cup buttermilk
½ cup butter
1 ½ cups organic Turbanado sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoon real vanilla extract


  1. Slice baguette on diagonal.
  2. Combine all other ingredients.
  3. Dip bread in mix and brown on both sides in medium hot skillet. Serve warm.

Buttermilk Syrup

  1. In saucepan stir together sugar, buttermilk and baking soda.
  2. Bring to boil; cook for seven minutes.
  3. Remove from heat stir in vanilla. Drizzle over the French toast or pancakes.

Tip: Make the syrup first and leave it on the stove with a low setting until the French toast is finished.

Wild Orange French Toast

Portions :24

Temps de préparation :15 min

Temps de cuisson :15 min

Difficulté :Facile

Ingrédients :

1 24-inch soft baguette or bread of choice
1 cup cracked eggs
1 cup heavy cream or almond milk
1 teasopoon salt
6 drops Wild Orange oil

Buttermilk Syrup
¾ cup buttermilk
½ cup butter
1 ½ cups organic Turbanado sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoon real vanilla extract


  1. Slice baguette on diagonal.
  2. Combine all other ingredients.
  3. Dip bread in mix and brown on both sides in medium hot skillet. Serve warm.

Buttermilk Syrup

  1. In saucepan stir together sugar, buttermilk and baking soda.
  2. Bring to boil; cook for seven minutes.
  3. Remove from heat stir in vanilla. Drizzle over the French toast or pancakes.

Astuces :

Make the syrup first and leave it on the stove with a low setting until the French toast is finished.

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