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Ultra-Processed Foods

Researchers studying the diets of a representative sample of the U.S. population found that 58 percent of the calories consumed in the U.S. come from a new category of food, simply known as “ultra processed” (January 2016). This category represents industrial formulations made to imitate less-processed foods, using additives to mimic the color, texture, and taste of “real” food. Not only is “junk” food included in this category, but also breads, canned soups, and fruit drinks. These ultra-processed foods contribute 90 percent of the calories from sugar in the U.S. The dangers of such a diet are well known. Diets high in ultra-processed foods lead to an overfed and undernourished population. To combat this, individuals can opt to eat minimally processed foods, especially fruits, vegetables, and homemade food. Remember that the first rule of health is to eat “real” food.



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